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Reference: LIFE13 NAT/ES/000436 | Acronym: LIFE-TETRACLINIS-EUROPA



Forests of Tetraclinis articulata – a species of evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family – are a priority European habitat. Its distribution area on mainland continental Europe is restricted to a population in the Region of Murcia. Other European populations can be found in Malta and in the Spanish territory of Melilla on the African continent.

The Murcian population was estimated to be 8 455 individual trees, spread over 557 ha in four sub-population areas. Nearly all (96%) of its distribution area was included in Natura 2000 sites. Unfortunately, despite the protection offered, a 2011 forest fire affected 59% of the total surface of this habitat. Its conservation status in Murcia is now poor.

The natural recovery of this habitat faces several threats including: intense competition from Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) to recolonise the space; difficulties of the younger individuals to sprout; overgrazing of the area; fragmentation and isolation of the populations; and uncontrolled cutting of the trees for ornamental uses.


The LIFE-TETRACLINIS-EUROPA project aimed to improve the conservation status and long-term sustainability of the priority habitat Tetraclinis articulata forests in the Cartagena Mountains of Murcia, Spain. As well as increasing the surface area of the forest type, it aimed to combat the genetic erosion of the tree populations and reduce future threats.

The project planned to reforest significant areas of Tetraclinis articulata as well as to carry out selective clearing of the competitor species Pinus halepensis and additional invasive species. Planting was expected to be organised to improve the genetic diversity of local tree populations as well as to maximise the mitigation of climate change. To further prevent long-term genetic erosion of the species, the project would clear old artificial plantations of Tetraclinis articulata when their genetics are not appropriate.

To reduce the threat to forest areas from human activities, the team aimed to work on both public awareness and control of public access and use of the forest. They planned to construct fences to control grazing and close inappropriate trails, while improving official trails and roads.

Finally, the project hoped to promote scientific research into the forest habitat to improve understanding of how best to conserve it in the long term. It would also introduce a specific programme to monitor its conservation status.



The LIFE-TETRACLINIS-EUROPA project improved the conservation status of the priority habitat Tetraclinis articulata forests in the Cartagena Mountains of Murcia. The habitat management methods implemented in highly degraded areas (i.e. burned forest zones, old mine waste areas) contributed to improving the biological conditions for the recovery of this habitat.

The project’s main achievements included:

-    Reforestation of almost 50 ha of T. articulata forest habitat with 25 420 individual trees;

-    Clearing of Pinus halepensis from a distribution area of over 61 ha of forest to reduce ecological competition with T. articulata;

-    Clearing of invasive alien plant species from almost 1 ha;

-    More than 12 km of rural roads repaired;

-    Almost 7 km of illegal paths closed;

-    Over 13 km of official trails adapted;

-    3 agreements signed with landowners for habitat recovery actions;

-    More than 2 700 m of cattle fences constructed; and

-    Over 14 800 people participating in educational, awareness and volunteering activities.


After the closure of illegal paths, a total surface area of almost 21 300 m2 was reforested. The recovered habitat showed an average survival rate for T. articulata of 91% at the SCI Monte Roldán, 61% at the area called Batería Las Cenizas and 81% at Peña del Águila, both in the SCI Calblanque.

Fencing off areas to halt the impact of cattle grazing resulted, in just one year, in an increase in T. articulata seed germination of 50%, in an improvement in the recruitment rate reaching 138 saplings/ha (a tenfold difference compared to previous years with grazing), in a 65% average survival rate of seedlings and in a total recovery of the habitat of 21% more than in the surrounding areas subject to grazing.

The invasive alien plant species targeted were Arundo donax, species (sp.) of Austracylindropuntia, agave, aloe, Opuntia, Carpobrotus, eucalyptus, Eleagnus and acacia, Nicotiana glauca, Zygophyllum fabago, Myoporum sp. and Oxalis pes-caprae.

The project produced a methodological guide on the management of T. articulata forests (in Spanish) and a monographic book on the biology and threats of T. articulata (in French), both valuable documents to improve the conservation status of Tetraclinis forests in other areas. Distribution of the French book to relevant institutions in Morocco constitutes a significant step for the transfer of new knowledge on the species based on the progress achieved by the project.


In addition, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Murcian regional government and the Society for Ibero-African Biological Studies (Sociedad de Estudios Biológicos Iberoafricanos - SEBI) to increase collaboration with relevant institutions in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla and in Morocco for the conservation of T. articulata in its full distribution range.


Reference: LIFE13 NAT/ES/000436
Start Date: 01/06/2014
End Date: 30/06/2018
Total Eligible Budget: 1,544,168 €
EU Contribution: 1,065,109 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Direccin General de Medio Ambiente. Consejera de Presidencia.Comunidad Autnoma de la Regin de Murcia
Legal Status: PAT
Address: Catedrtico Eugenio beda, n3, 3 planta, 30071, MURCIA,

LIFE Project Map



  • Forests


  • forest ecosystem
  • management plan
  • restoration measure
  • mountainous area


  • 9570 - Tetraclinis articulata forests


  • None or non applicable


Code Name Type Version
Espacios Abiertos e Islas del Mar Menor ES6200006 SCI/SAC v.2021
Cabezo de Roldán ES6200024 SCI/SAC v.2021
Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila ES6200001 SCI/SAC v.2021


Name Type
Direccin General de Medio Ambiente. Consejera de Presidencia.Comunidad Autnoma de la Regin de Murcia Coordinator
AYTO_CT(Ayuntamiento de Cartagena), Spain Participant
ANSE(Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste), Spain Participant