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Connectivity of the Natura 2000 network across the Belgian-Dutch borders in the Meuse basin

Reference: LIFE13 NAT/BE/001067 | Acronym: LIFE Pays mosan



This project area contains 41 Natura 2000 sites (covering over 24 600 ha) in Belgium and the Netherlands, within the basin of the Meuse River and its tributaries between Andenne and Maastricht. The river basin has supported highly species-rich habitats related to former pastoral systems. These habitats have become extremely fragmented and are undergoing progressive qualitative and quantitative regression.

The calcareous character of the bedrock is responsible for the presence of numerous caves and cavities that are used by bats during the winter months. Although knowledge about their population status is still incomplete, it is known that the Walloon part of the project area still shelters reproductive populations of four highly threatened species: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum; Rhinolophus hipposideros; Myotis emarginatus and Myotis myotis. These species are strongly dependent on grassland quality and structural diversity. Furthermore, connections between foraging habitats and roosts seem to be a key factor for their survival.


The overall objective centres on restoring a mosaic of five threatened habitats in order to improve their conservation status and connectivity. The objectives will be achieved through the following project activities:

  • Improving the conservation status of the five habitats (6210*, 6110*, 6230*, 6130 and 6510), both in terms of quantity and quality;
  • Improving grassland ecological connectivity in the Natura 2000 sites and between them;
  • Improving the efficiency of the implemented restoration actions by reinforcing knowledge concerning the distribution of habitats and testing of new restoration and management methods;
  • Improving the conservation status of the four bat species whose conservation status is unfavourable or inadequate: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum; Rhinolophus hipposideros; Myotis emarginatus; and Myotis myotis;
  • Developing exchange of expertise between scientific partners, NGOs and public sector agencies in Belgium and the Netherlands; and
  • Raising awareness among managers, scientists and the general public concerning bats and their conservation, particularly regarding their roosting and feeding requirements.


Expected results:

  • benefits to four bat species targeted: restoring 40 km of hedgerows, planting 500 fruit trees, creating 50 ponds, improving the quality of at least 10 nursery colonies, establishing a network of nursery roosts by equipping 15 additional unoccupied buildings, and raised awareness among the public and land managers concerning the value of grassland ecosystems for conservation of biodiversity (through leaflets, newsletters, information boards, thematic activities, and a website).
  • Restoration of 400 ha of habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive (6210*, 6110*, 6230*, 6130 and 6510);
  • Establishment of infrastructure required for recurrent management after the end of the project;
  • Reduced fragmentation levels and improved connectivity for the target habitats;
  • Improved local expertise in terms of restoration and management of habitat 6210*; and
  • The purchase of 198.2 ha of private land, which can therefore benefit from the nature reserve status.


Reference: LIFE13 NAT/BE/001067
Acronym: LIFE Pays mosan
Start Date: 01/07/2014
End Date: 30/09/2022
Total Eligible Budget: 15,632,867 €
EU Contribution: 11,724,650 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Réserves Naturelles RNOB asbl
Legal Status: PNC
Address: Rue Nanon 98, 5000, NAMUR,
Contact Person: Joelle HUYSECOM
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

LIFE Project Map



  • Grasslands
  • Ecological coherence


  • biotope network
  • grassland ecosystem
  • protected area
  • restoration measure


  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)


  • 6110 - Rupicolous calcareous or basophilic grasslands of the Alysso-Sedion albi
  • 6130 - Calaminarian grasslands of the Violetalia calaminariae
  • 6210 - Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (* important orchid sites)
  • 6230 - "Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on silicious substrates in mountain areas (and submountain areas in Continental Europe)"
  • 6510 - "Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis)"
  • 9160 - Sub-Atlantic and medio-European oak or oak-hornbeam forests of the Carpinion betuli


  • Myotis emarginatus
  • Myotis myotis
  • Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
  • Rhinolophus hipposideros


Name Type
Réserves Naturelles RNOB asbl Coordinator
Service Public de la Wallonie - Département de la Nature et des Forêts Participant
De Vlaamse Waterweg nv Participant
Vereniging Natuurmonumenten Participant
Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos Participant
Natuurpunt Beheer vzw Participant
Ghent University - Forest and Nature Lab Participant