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FLemish And North-French Dunes REstoration

Reference: LIFE12 NAT/BE/000631 | Acronym: Life FLANDRE



The coastal dunes between Dunkirk in France and Westende in Belgium make up one of the most famous dune systems in continental Europe. The area is characterised by broad sandy beaches, carved foredunes, megaparabolic dunes with large humid dune slacks and low, gently undulating older 'fossil' dunes that were formed between 3 000 BC and 800 AD. Atlantic salt marshes also occur in the Yzer estuary, at Nieuwpoort. The dune soils have a high lime content, except for those of the 'fossil' dunes, which are heavily decalcified. During the 20th Century, the dunes on both sides of the border became strongly degraded as a result of urbanisation, water extraction, recreational use, the fixation of sand drift, invasion by alien species, intensification of agriculture in the transitions between dunes and polders, and the decline of traditional agro-pastoral activities on the remaining dune area, resulting in scrub encroachment. Most of the remaining dune sites in both Member States have been included in the Natura 2000 network.


The Life FLANDRE project aimed to consolidate the Natura 2000 network in both countries by restoring habitats that are typical for the sedimentary coasts of the Atlantic biogeographical region, and by boosting the populations of species of Community interest. It aimed to achieve these goals through land purchase, management planning, nature restoration, public awareness raising and by strengthening cooperation between the Belgian and French public authorities that are competent for the acquisition and management of protected sites. The project would also establish an Advisory Committee (to be continued after the end of the project) as a transnational management board, and draw up a cross border directive management plan and a legal basis for cross-border cooperation for the management of the dune belts. In this way, the project aimed to be a first step in the establishment of a transnational European nature park, which will serve as an example of cross-border cooperation for other Member States.



The Life FLANDRE project consolidated the Natura 2000 network in Belgium and France by restoring habitats typical of the sedimentary coasts of the Atlantic biogeographical region, along with populations of species protected under the EU Nature Directives. In particular, the project team developed a transboundary approach between both countries to manage and restore a cross-border coastal dune area containing four Natura 2000 sites (3 SCIs and 1 SPA).


The main project results can be grouped into two categories: those connected to the establishment of a cross-border protected nature area, and those related to concrete habitat restoration and management measures.


Cross-border nature area:

  • Development of a 15-year masterplan to frame restoration and management actions;
  • Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding by the relevant authorities in France and Belgium in February 2020, confirming their commitment to transboundary cooperation towards a cross-border protected nature area;
  • Preparation of the Flemish part of the management plans for 295 ha, ensuring continued care of the restored habitats;
  • An AfterLIFE Conservation plan 'Dunes of Flanders without border!' containing a detailed programme of restoration and management actions for the cross-border nature area during the period 2021-2026, putting the emphasis on ecological connectivity.

Restoration and management measures:

  • Management of 100 ha of dune habitats on the French side by grazing and mowing;
  • Purchase of a total of 104 ha of land from many private land owners, increasing the ecological connectivity in the area and making nature management more efficient;
  • Clearance of scrub on 61 ha of the French dunes to restore habitats associated with the open dune landscape;
  • Restoration of 2.5 ha of dunes to support populations of the narrow-mouthed whorl snail (Vertigo angustior), and the creation of 11 ponds in France to support populations of amphibians, especially natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita) and northern crested newt (Triturus cristatus); and
  • Creation of 2.2 km of walking paths in part of the French dunes (Dune Dewulf), to reduce the negative impact on biodiversity of uncontrolled recreational use.

The cross-border masterplan ensured policy and management for an area of 3 280 ha, with specific 25-year management plans covering 295 ha. Concrete restoration actions focused on EU Habitats Directive habitat types, particularly 2120 ‘white dunes’ (6.4 ha), 2130* 'grey dunes' (70.5 ha) and 2190 ‘humid dune slacks’ (22.1 ha), and the recovery of populations of their characteristic species. Project activities improved the ecological cohesion and connectivity of the network of dune sites in France and Belgium.


Main dissemination actions included:

  • A mobile exhibition on the cross-border coastal dune area, Natura 2000 and the Life FLANDRE project that reached approximately 100 000 visitors in all concerned French and Belgian coastal towns and beyond; and
  • An international workshop on the management of coastal dunes and sandy beaches, in June 2018 at the University of the Littoral Opal Coast at Dunkirk, attended by 143 coastal experts from 13 European countries, stimulating knowledge exchange, with a detailed workshop report and excursion guide, both published online.

The project contributed to the implementation of the EU Habitats and Birds Directives, the EU IAS Regulation and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Restoration and maintenance of the groundwater level in the dunes was in line with the objective of the EU Water Framework Directive. Project actions also contributed indirectly to climate change adaptation. In addition to protecting species and habitats, project actions contributed to the maintenance and restoration of ecosystem services, particularly cultural services. Long-term impacts are expected in terms of cross-border protection, coastal safety, groundwater levels, and recreation and tourism. A socio-economic study indicated an increase in tourist numbers, which will significantly benefit the local economy.



Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).



Reference: LIFE12 NAT/BE/000631
Acronym: Life FLANDRE
Start Date: 02/09/2013
End Date: 31/12/2020
Total Eligible Budget: 4,066,454 €
EU Contribution: 2,033,226 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos
Legal Status: PAT
Address: Koning Albert I-laan 1.2 bus 74, 8200, Brugge (Sint-Michiels) ,
Contact Person: Jean-Louis HERRIER
Email: Send Email

LIFE Project Map



  • Coastal


  • dune
  • protected area
  • coastal area
  • management plan
  • restoration measure


  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)
  • Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (01.06.1982)


  • 2110 - Embryonic shifting dunes
  • 2120 - Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria ("white dunes")
  • 2130 - Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation ("grey dunes")
  • 2150 - Atlantic decalcified fixed dunes (Calluno-Ulicetea)
  • 2160 - Dunes with Hippophaë rhamnoides
  • 2180 - "Wooded dunes of the Atlantic, Continental and Boreal region"
  • 2190 - Humid dune slacks
  • 6430 - Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels


  • Liparis loeselii
  • Apium repens
  • Epidalea calamita
  • Triturus cristatus
  • Vertigo angustior
  • Vertigo moulinsiana


Code Name Type Version
Dunes de la plaine maritime flamande FR3100474 SCI/SAC v.2021
Duingebieden inclusief Ijzermonding en Zwin. BE2500001 SCI/SAC v.2021
Dunes flandriennes décalcifiées de Ghyvelde FR3100475 SCI/SAC v.2021
Westkust BE2500121 SPA v.2021


Name Type
Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos, Belgium, Flemish Region Coordinator
Conservatoire du Littoral et des Rivages Lacustres, France Participant
Département du Nord, France Participant