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Priority actions for grasslands and meadows in Southern Lorraine and the Ardenne

Reference: LIFE11 NAT/BE/001060 | Acronym: Herbages



The latest EU Habitats Directive Article 17 report on the conservation status of habitats and species highlights the particularly 'unfavourable' conservation status of grasslands. Belgiums Lorraine and southern Ardennes areas are important regions for the conservation of semi-natural grasslands types listed in the annexes of the Habitat Directive.


The Herbages project aimed to improve the conservation status of 400 ha of grasslands, meadows and humid forests in Belgium, including 11 protected habitat types listed in Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive, by improving the functionality of the areas ecological network. Specifically, the project aimed to prevent extinction of the habitats characteristic species, especially those most vulnerable to fragmentation, by population reinforcement and reintroductions after their habitats had been restored. The project also aimed to develop regional expertise in the restoration of rarely targeted habitats; improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the implemented restoration actions by enhancing the state of knowledge on the habitats and their typical species; and improve the ecological connectivity of grasslands in and between Natura 2000 network sites through the use of stepping stones and corridors. Methods also included land purchase, mowing, and implementing an adjusted hydrological management and monitoring system. All of the proposed 250 ha of land acquired will be restored (60% of project actions were planned on purchased land).


The Herbages project led to improvements in the conservation status of grasslands, meadows and humid forest habitats in Belgium, including 11 habitat types listed in Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive.

Firstly, the project partners surveyed 75 000 ha of target habitats outside Natura 2000 sites, established plans for harvesting seeds from 6 characteristic plant species, and conducted soil sample analysis to confirm that phosphorus levels were not a problem for restorations. In total, the project purchased 118.7 ha of land to restore priority habitats. In addition, 188.9 ha were purchased to restore non priority habitats. Moreover, agreements were made with 9 municipalities to compensate for lost wood (e.g. timber) revenues in order to restore habitats on 72.5 ha.

The project partners restored Xeric sand calcareous grasslands (6120*) on 67 ha; Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (6210*) on 31 ha; Species rich Nardus grasslands (6230*) on 128 ha; grasslands and tall herbs habitats (6410, 6430, 6510, 6520) on 318 ha; and Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion) (7220*) on 2.4 ha. Alkaline fens (7230) were restored on 15 ha by clear cutting of plantations and sod cutting. Bog woodland (91D0*) and Alluvial forests (91E0*) were restored on 56 ha, by the logging of 25 ha of coniferous plantations and the sealing of drains.

A total of 294 800 seeds of 6 targeted species were collected, in order to cultivate the species to produce plants for reintroduction in restored habitats. Five species (Dianthus deltoides, Petrorhagia prolifera, Helichrysum arenarium, Campanula glomerata, and Arnica montana) were propagated, with 9 100 individuals produced and reintroduced in 17 sites.

The project partners conducted further restoration actions to improve the connectivity of the calcareous grassland habitats (6120*, 6210*) between the different Natura 2000 sites. For this, trees were cut on 11.2 ha and along 10.2 km of roadsides.

To facilitate ongoing monitoring of the conservation status of the habitats, a baseline survey was completed for 413 ha for the 11 targeted habitats. A restoration survey was completed for 629 ha. Monitoring was also conducted for the introduced and reinforced populations, and the biodiversity linked with the restored habitats, including reptiles, plants, butterflies, grasshoppers, bryophytes, birds, and hymenoptera.

The projects findings were disseminated via the website (www.life-herbages.eu), 10 electronic newsletters, 5 000 leaflets, 24 permanent information panels along walking paths, in reports and articles, and at 19 conferences. The project team organised 17 training sessions for field managers, including 10 on how to manage nature reserves, and 260 nature activities attended by 9 529 members of the general public. The large scale of the project activities ensured that the results and the lessons learnt are highly significant. It represented an innovative nature conservation project, at least in Belgium and more specifically in Wallonia, with a high demonstration value. The projects techniques were already widely-known and being transferred to other projects, when the Herbages project concluded.

The project actions directly contribute to the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive, and indirectly to the Birds Directive. The restoration of semi-natural habitats and the increase of agricultural area without pesticide and fertiliser use (thanks to land purchase and other contractual agreements) are beneficial for birds. The newly protected and restored areas are in many cases extensions of exiting protected areas, including once fragmented areas, so the benefits of positive management are boosted by the size effect and the synergies. The project also has a positive impact on agricultural policies, such as agri-environmental schemes.

In terms of socio-economic benefits, the project employed 60 people; while 118 local companies were contracted, with a total budget for external assistance of 2 861 000. Contracts worth 336 700/year were agreed with 48 farmers and associated agricultural environmental management practitioners for managing 518 ha. Nine young farmers (aged under 40) also started a new agricultural professional activity. In addition, 10 forest exploitation contracts were agreed.

Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).


Reference: LIFE11 NAT/BE/001060
Acronym: Herbages
Start Date: 01/01/2013
End Date: 30/06/2020
Total Eligible Budget: 9,587,813 €
EU Contribution: 7,190,859 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Rserves Naturelles RNOB (Natagora)
Legal Status: PNC
Address: Traverse des Muses 1, 5000, Namur,
Contact Person: Xavier JANSSENS
Email: Send Email

LIFE Project Map



  • Grasslands


  • grassland ecosystem
  • protected area
  • restoration measure


  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)


  • 6120 - Xeric sand calcareous grasslands
  • 6210 - Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (* important orchid sites)
  • 6230 - "Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on silicious substrates in mountain areas (and submountain areas in Continental Europe)"
  • 6410 - "Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae)"
  • 6430 - Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels
  • 6510 - "Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis)"
  • 6520 - Mountain hay meadows
  • 7220 - Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion)
  • 7230 - Alkaline fens
  • 91D0 - Bog woodland
  • 91E0 - "Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)"


  • None or non applicable


Code Name Type Version
Haute-Sûre (Fauvillers; Léglise; Neufchâteau; Vaux-sur-Sûre) BE34039A0 SPA v.2014
Vallée du Ruisseau des Aleines (Bertrix; Bouillon; Paliseul) BE34044A0 SPA v.2014
Forêts de Muno BE34045C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Bassin de la Semois de Florenville à Auby (Bertrix; Bouillon; Florenville; Herbeumont) BE34046A0 SPA v.2014
Haute-Vierre (Bertrix; Libramont-Chevigny; Neufchâteau) BE34047A0 SPA v.2014
Bassin de la Semois de Jamoigne à Chiny (Chiny; Florenville; Herbeumont) BE34048A0 SPA v.2014
Basse-Vierre BE34049C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Bassin de la Semois entre Tintigny et Jamoigne (Chiny; Habay; Léglise; Tintigny) BE34050A0 SPA v.2014
Vallées du Ruisseau de Mellier et de la Mandebras (Habay; Léglise; Neufchâteau) BE34051A0 SPA v.2014
Forêt d'Anlier BE34052C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Bassin de l'Attert (Attert) BE34053A0 SPA v.2014
Bassin de la Marche (Chiny; Florenville) BE34054A0 SPA v.2014
Vallée du Ruisseau de Breuvanne (Chiny; Tintigny) BE34055A0 SPA v.2014
Bassin de la Semois de Etalle à Tintigny (Etalle; Habay; Tintigny) BE34056A0 SPA v.2014
Marais de la Haute-Semois et Bois de Heinsch (Arlon; Attert; Etalle; Habay) BE34057A0 SPA v.2014
Camp militaire de Lagland BE34058C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Bassin supérieur de la Chevratte (Meix-devant-Virton; Tintigny) BE34060A0 SPA v.2014
Vallées de Laclaireau et du Rabais (Etalle; Saint-Léger; Virton) BE34061A0 SPA v.2014
Bassin du Ruisseau du Messancy (Arlon; Messancy) BE34062A0 SPA v.2014
Vallées de la Chevratte (Meix-devant-Virton; Rouvroy) BE34063A0 SPA v.2014
Vallées de la Vire et du Ton (Rouvroy; Virton) BE34064A0 SPA v.2014
Bassin supérieur de la Vire et du Ton (Aubange; Messancy; Musson; Saint-Léger; Virton) BE34065A0 SPA v.2014
Vallée du Ton et Côte bajocienne de Montquintin à Ruette (Meix-devant-Virton; Rouvroy; Virton) BE34066A0 SPA v.2014
Haute-Sûre (Fauvillers; Léglise; Libramont-Chevigny; Neufchâteau; Vaux-sur-Sûre) BE34039B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée du Ruisseau des Aleines (Bertrix; Bouillon; Paliseul) BE34044B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Semois de Florenville à Auby (Bertrix; Florenville; Herbeumont) BE34046B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Haute-Vierre (Bertrix; Herbeumont; Libramont-Chevigny; Neufchâteau) BE34047B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Semois de Jamoigne à Chiny (Chiny; Florenville; Herbeumont) BE34048B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Semois entre Tintigny et Jamoigne (Chiny; Habay; Léglise; Tintigny) BE34050B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallées du Ruisseau de Mellier et de la Mandebras (Habay; Léglise; Neufchâteau) BE34051B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de l'Attert (Attert) BE34053B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Marche (Chiny; Florenville; Meix-devant-Virton) BE34054B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée du Ruisseau de Breuvanne (Chiny; Tintigny) BE34055B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Semois de Etalle à Tintigny (Etalle; Habay; Tintigny) BE34056B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Marais de la Haute-Semois et Bois de Heinsch (Arlon; Attert; Etalle; Habay) BE34057B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallées de l'Eisch et de Clairefontaine (Arlon) BE34059B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin supérieur de la Chevratte (Meix-devant-Virton; Tintigny) BE34060B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallées de Laclaireau et du Rabais (Etalle; Saint-Léger; Virton) BE34061B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin du Ruisseau du Messancy (Arlon; Messancy) BE34062B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallées de la Chevratte (Meix-devant-Virton; Rouvroy) BE34063B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallées de la Vire et du Ton (Rouvroy; Virton) BE34064B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin supérieur de la Vire et du Ton (Aubange; Messancy; Musson; Saint-Léger; Virton) BE34065B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée du Ton et Côte bajocienne de Montquintin à Ruette (Rouvroy; Virton) BE34066B0 SCI/SAC v.2014


Name Type
Rserves Naturelles RNOB (Natagora) Coordinator
Département de l'Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole, Belgium Participant
Jardin botanique de Meise-Belgium Participant
Département de la Nature et des Forêts (DNF)-Belgium Participant