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Development of the beddings of the electricity transportation network as means of enhancing biodiversity

Reference: LIFE10 NAT/BE/000709 | Acronym: ELIA



As a transmitter of electricity, Elia’s priority is to ensure the security of the electricity network. This sometimes means that forest corridors are created to secure overhead lines. These corridors are currently often “no man’s land”, without any vegetation or wildlife. However, these same corridors could form an important network of ecological corridors. At present, public and private owners consider these corridors as non-productive forest sites, while the tourism sector denounces their negative impact on the natural beauty of the landscape. At the same time, transmission system operators spend considerable sums maintaining these areas to ensure that there is no vegetation that can hinder the overhead lines. This corridor maintenance does not currently take into account their potential value in terms of biodiversity.


The aim of the ELIA LIFE+ Biodiversity project was to develop innovative techniques for the creation and maintenance of these corridors under overhead lines, allowing the maximisation of their potential benefits for biodiversity. The expected benefits included: the preservation of the natural beauty of the landscape; improved attractiveness to tourists, hunters and local residents; greater acceptance by the general public of line infrastructure in the landscape; and a better public image for the transmission system operator. The new ecological corridors would allow local biodiversity to develop and would help facilitate the movement of species from one natural site to another, which is especially important in the context of climate change. Specificially, the project aimed to restore 130 km of corridors under overhead high voltage lines in Belgium and France. The corridors would be approximately 50m wide. It would also seek to demonstrate that active management for biodiversity can reduce the costs of securing and maintaining corridors under overhead power lines. The project aimed to become an important pilot at European level that would share its experience with other European electricity transmission system operators, representing 300 000 km of potential green corridors. The project deliberately included project actions in corridors in three regions of France with very diverse climatic conditions, so as to develop several sets of guidelines and good practices that can be shared with other European transmission system operators.



The ELIA project team restored/improved 527.8 ha to benefit biodiversity: 486.3 ha in Belgium (428.9 ha when overlapping of more than one action on a same plot is excluded; 158.2 ha in Natura 2000 sites and 270.7 ha outside Natura 2000); and 41.5 ha in France (38.9 ha when overlapping of more than one action on a same plot is excluded; 19.5 ha in Natura 2000 and ha 19.38 outside). In addition, 137 new ponds were created in Belgium and 38 in France. The project therefore contributed substantially to the development and improvement of the Natura 2000 network, especially to connectivity between sites by reinforcing ecological corridors (green infrastructure along power line routes).

The project team developed a new approach for the management of electricity power lines and created an acceptance of this approach. The electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) ELIA and RTE decided (at the highest management level) to continue this work and extend the biodiversity-friendly method to their whole networks. This was supported by the project’s dissemination, communication and networking activities.

Specifically, the project team:

  • Restored forest edges: 255.4 ha (123.3 ha new edges and 132.1 ha restored edges);
  • Restored 21.6 ha of conservation orchards;
  • Restored 88 ha of heath, peat bogs, and nutrient-poor grasslands;
  • Created 175 ponds;
  • Removed invasive alien species (IAS) from 25.3 ha;
  • Created infrastructure for mowing/grazing on 60.5 ha;
  • Diversified grasslands on 34.2 ha.

These project activities consistently exceeded proposed objectives (by 440% for heaths, peat bogs and grasslands; 302% for mowing/grazing; and 171% for diversified grasslands). 

In Belgium, due to ELIA’s decision to extend the ecological management approach to their entire network another 375 ha is expected to be restored/improved with the same approach during the period 2018-2023 (following ‘After LIFE’ management plans). For this new phase, ELIA allocated a budget of €1 238 000. In France, RTE decided to extend the approach in three pilot regions (Ardenne, PACA and Bretagne), to restore/improve 300 ha more during the period 2018-2021. The most ambitious programme in Ardenne has an agreed budget of €800 000. In both Belgium and France, following public tender, contracts were awarded to companies created by the former members of the LIFE team.

The demonstration value and replication potential of the project’s approach is high, and it was extensively promoted during networking activities with European TSOs. The potential is the whole European electricity transmission network.

Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report  (see "Read more" section).




Reference: LIFE10 NAT/BE/000709
Acronym: ELIA
Start Date: 01/09/2011
End Date: 31/12/2017
Total Eligible Budget: 2,331,802 €
EU Contribution: 1,165,901 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: ELIA System Operator S.A. (partie duGroupe Elia)
Legal Status: PCO
Address: Grandrue 12, 6870 , AWENNE (St-Hubert),

LIFE Project Map



  • Ecological coherence


  • animal corridor
  • forest ecosystem
  • biodiversity
  • restoration measure
  • environmental impact of energy


  • 0 - Non applicable (i.e.species project)


  • None or non applicable


Code Name Type Version
Vallée de la Lembrée et affluents BE33027C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Basse vallée de la Lienne BE33029C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Vallée du Wayai et affluents BE33033C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Vallées de la Warche et du Bayehon en aval du barrage de Robertville BE33042C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Mardelles d'Arbrefontaine et vallons fangeux de Fosse BE33049C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Camp militaire de Lagland BE34058C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Sources de la Lienne BE34018C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Haute-Wamme et Masblette BE34029C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Forêt de Freyr BE34030C0 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
Plateau ardennais FR2112013 SPA v.2021
Bassin supérieur de la Salm (Gouvy; Vielsalm) BE34020B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Réseau hydrographique du Dropt FR7200692 SCI/SAC v.2021
Bassin fagnard de l'Eau Noire (Doische; Hastière; Philippeville) BE35029B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée de l'Amblève du Pont de Targnon à Remouchamps (Aywaille; Stoumont; Theux) BE33028B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Fagnes de Malchamps et de Stoumont (Aywaille; Spa; Stoumont; Theux) BE33032B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Fagnes de Stavelot et vallée de l'Eau Rouge (Jalhay; Malmedy; Stavelot) BE33040B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
La Calestienne entre Barvaux et Bomal (Durbuy) BE34005B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
La Calestienne entre Oppagne et Barvaux (Durbuy; Erezée) BE34006B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Haute-Lomme (Libin; Libramont-Chevigny; Saint-Hubert) BE34037B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Semois de Florenville à Auby (Bertrix; Florenville; Herbeumont) BE34046B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Haute-Vierre (Bertrix; Herbeumont; Libramont-Chevigny; Neufchâteau) BE34047B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Semois de Jamoigne à Chiny (Chiny; Florenville; Herbeumont) BE34048B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de l'Attert (Attert) BE34053B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée du Ruisseau de Breuvanne (Chiny; Tintigny) BE34055B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Marais de la Haute-Semois et Bois de Heinsch (Arlon; Attert; Etalle; Habay) BE34057B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin du Ruisseau du Messancy (Arlon; Messancy) BE34062B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée de la Meuse de Dinant à Yvoir (Anhée; Dinant; Yvoir) BE35012B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée de la Meuse en amont d'Hastière (Beauraing; Doische; Hastière; Houyet) BE35019B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
La Famenne entre Eprave et Havrenne (Rochefort) BE35025B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée de l'Eau Blanche entre Aublain et Mariembourg (Chimay; Couvin) BE35027B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée de la Houille en aval de Gedinne (Beauraing; Gedinne) BE35039B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Vallée de la Hulle (Gedinne) BE35040B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
Bassin de la Houille en amont de Gedinne (Gedinne) BE35041B0 SCI/SAC v.2014
La Bassée FR1100798 SCI/SAC v.2021
Monts d'Arrée centre et est FR5300013 SCI/SAC v.2021
Piolit - Pic de Chabrières FR9301509 SCI/SAC v.2021


Name Type
ELIA System Operator S.A. (partie duGroupe Elia) Coordinator
CARAH asbl, Belgium Participant
Solon asbl, Belgium Participant
RTE, France Participant