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"Achieving Resiliency by Triggering Implementation of nature-based Solutions for climate Adaptation at a National scale"

Reference: LIFE18 IPC/FR/000007 | Acronym: LIFE IP ARTISAN



The French strategy for climate change adaptation (2006) is implemented operationally through national plans, in line with the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change. The national plans target the effective adaptation, by 2050, to a regional climate in continental France and overseas territories consistent with a worldwide increase in temperatures of 1.5C to 2C compared to the 19th century, in response to the multiple impacts of climate change (e.g. flooding, heat waves, water scarcity, shoreline erosion). The assessment of the first national plan for climate change adaptation (2011-2015) highlighted the relevance of the targeted environmental issues, but also the weak points in the strategy and the governance of the plan, such as a lack of consistency with other policies, insufficient coordination between the various governance levels, and difficulties in mobilising economic stakeholders. In order to overcome these gaps and shortcomings, the second plan (2018-2022) is putting forward the mainstreaming of nature-based adaptation solutions as a strategic and cross-cutting principle. These measures (green solutions) respond to all thematic objectives of the plan and have catalysing effects on the implementation of grey solutions (i.e. those using civil-engineering techniques and non-renewable resources) and soft solutions (based on changes in behaviour and forms of governance).


The overall ambition of the LIFE IP ARTISAN project is to increase the resilience of the country to climate change, by reinforcing French national adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

The project will contribute to the achievement of objectives set in the second national climate adaptation plan and future plans. To this end, the project will seek to generalise the use of nature-based solutions wherever appropriate by 2030. LIFE IP ARTISAN is a capacity building project aimed at mainstreaming good practices and creating a favourable framework for the emergence of local climate adaptation projects focussing on ecosystems. The complementary actions will make it possible to fund new local projects and to improve coordination among the funding parties to enhance overall consistency. For this cross-cutting topic, an integrated framework is required to coordinate the work of the funding parties in financing either climate change or biodiversity policies.

In addition to the IP budget itself, the project will facilitate the coordinated use of 3.8 billion EUR of complementary funding from ERDF, EAFRD, and national funds (from water agencies especially).


Expected results: The LIFE IP ARTISAN project expects to fully implement all the actions planned within Frances second national climate change adaptation plan concerned with nature-based solutions. At the operational level, the following results are expected by 2027:

  • a network of at least 200 relevant stakeholders working toward a common objective, i.e. an increased use of nature-based solutions;
  • 13 regional networks supporting and facilitating the implementation of nature-based adaptation projects;
  • ten pilot demonstration projects implementing nature-based solutions;
  • a report produced by the Integrated Projects national network with recommendations on public policy, targeting the generalisation of nature-based adaptation solutions;
  • national and local funding at least equal to the EU grant allocated to nature-based adaptation projects;
  • increase by 50% in the amount of EU structural funds allocated to nature-based adaptation projects over the 2021-2027 period, compared to 2014-2020;
  • development of a well-structured economic market for nature-based adaptation projects in France and abroad;
  • in 2027, over 75% of local decision-makers declaring that they have easy access to all decision-making instruments, practical tools and essential information;
  • over 1 000 local authorities benefiting from technical support in carrying out nature-based adaptation projects;
  • increase by at least 10% in the number of firms capable of carrying out nature-based adaptation projects, covering the entire country and all the various priority adaptation topics targeted in the national adaptation plan;
  • publication of a national study on the factors limiting the generalisation of nature-based adaptation solutions, including measures to eliminate them, and at least five research papers targeted at environmental policy offers in local government;
  • at least 20% of the French population understanding the role played by nature-based adaptation solutions for climate adaptation;
  • adoption of at least five sectoral and/or local action programmes derived from the LIFE IP ARTISAN project, in economic sectors or territories in which adaptation is considered a priority issue; and
  • good practices developed in France identified, made available and effectively used, with management reports used in at least five EU countries.

    Reference: LIFE18 IPC/FR/000007
    Acronym: LIFE IP ARTISAN
    Start Date: 01/11/2019
    End Date: 31/12/2027
    Total Eligible Budget: 16,657,712 €
    EU Contribution: 9,994,627 €


    Coordinating Beneficiary: Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB)
    Legal Status: PUBLIC
    Contact Person: Julien TOGNETTI
    Email: Send Email

    LIFE Project Map



    • Resilient communities
    • Sectoral adaptation (industry-services)
    • Natural resources and ecosystems


    • forest management
    • flood protection
    • climate action plan
    • climate adaptation strategy
    • climate change adaptation
    • climate resilience
    • ecosystem-based approach
    • land use
    • nature-based solutions
    • urban heat island


    • COM(2013)216 - EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change (16.04.2013)
    • COM(2014)15 - Policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030 (22.01.2014)
    • COM(2011) 244 final “Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020” (03.05.2011)


    Name Type
    Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement-France Participant
    Centre de ressource du développement durable - France Participant
    Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations-Biodiversité-France Participant
    Comité Français de l’Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature-France Participant
    Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées-France Participant
    Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement-France Participant
    Observatoire national sur les effets du réchauffement climatique - Direction générale de l'énergie et du climat, Ministère de la Transition Ecologique-France Participant
    Agence régionale de la biodiversité Centre-Val de Loire-France Participant
    Agence régionale de la biodiversité Ile de France-France Participant
    Agence régionale de la biodiversité Occitanie-France Participant
    Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant de la Brèche-France Participant
    Communauté d’agglomération du Centre de la Martinique-France Participant
    Forums des Marais Atlantiques-France Participant
    Commune Les Mureaux-France Participant
    Métropole de Lyon-France Participant
    Cingal Suisse Normande Participant
    Parc naturel régional des Pyrénées ariégeoises-France Participant
    Syndicat de gestion l’Eygoutier-France Participant
    Ville de Lille-France Participant
    Communauté d’Agglomération du Centre Littoral de Guyane-France Participant
    Université Rennes 2-France Participant
    Solagro-France Participant
    Centre national de la propriété forestière-France Participant
    Agence de la transition écologique Participant
    Centre européen de prévention des risques d'inondation-France Participant
    Comité 21-France Participant
    Office français de la biodiversité Coordinator
    Aqui Brie Association connaissance et protection de l aquifère du Champigny Participant