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Südlicher Chiemgau

Reference: LIFE94 NAT/D/000432



The project area is the valley and delta of the Tyrolean Ache river. It is considered the only ecologically viable inland delta of Central Europe, with extensive areas of priority habitats and prime corncrake (Crex crex) habitat. Developments over the past decades have led to a dramatic deterioration in the conservation status of the project area. Typical habitats and species are severely threatened by hydrological engineering schemes; increased tourism and recreational pressure; and structural changes in the agricultural sector.


The project aimed to protect raised bogs, calcareous fens and corncrake habitats in various sites within the region of Chiemgau. Land purchase would allow bog regeneration through extensive land use and re-establishment of a natural water regime. Water levels would be raised and scrub removed. The Tyrolean Ache river’s natural dynamics would be restored by purchasing land which would be permitted to flood periodically.mAbandoned fen meadows ('Streuwiesen' - very humid litter meadows characterised by sedges and Molinia grass) would be cleared of woody and rank vegetation. There would be public awareness work. Part of this would be to ensure local farmers were optimising their use of agricultural extensification programmes.


Positive effects on meadow-breeding birds were detected during the project, but the ecological benefits of the wetland restoration would take longer to measure.
In total, 103 ha of raised bog, bog woodland, and grassland were bought (fens were considered to be under sufficient protection)l
Local farmers cleared 92 ha of fens meadows that had been abandoned and become overgrown;
Surprisingly, the rough litter vegetation ‘Einstreu’ proved popular with local farmers used to straw-bedding livestock, and also organic farmers and equestrian establishments. This helped to keep subsequent management costs down as farmers were paid less for mowing but could keep the rough straw;
30 ha of drained raised bog were rewetted by constructing dams or plugging drainage ditches;
10 ha of set-aside land were established as extensive grassland;
256 ha were managed under complementary agri-environment measures; and
Ecologically acceptable tourist routes were established.
The money spent on land purchase benefitted the local, economically marginal farming community. Similarly, the land management work was undertaken by 72 local farmers, a welcome boost to their income. There was a follow-up LIFE project, LIFE97 NAT/D/004224 “Chiemgau - Raised bogs and habitats for the corncrake in Southern Chiemgau”.Positive effects on meadow-breeding birds were detected during the project, but the ecological benefits of the wetland restoration would take longer to measure.
In total, 103 ha of raised bog, bog woodland, and grassland were bought (fens were considered to be under sufficient protection)l
Local farmers cleared 92 ha of fens meadows that had been abandoned and become overgrown;
Surprisingly, the rough litter vegetation ‘Einstreu’ proved popular with local farmers used to straw-bedding livestock, and also organic farmers and equestrian establishments. This helped to keep subsequent management costs down as farmers were paid less for mowing but could keep the rough straw;
30 ha of drained raised bog were rewetted by constructing dams or plugging drainage ditches;
10 ha of set-aside land were established as extensive grassland;
256 ha were managed under complementary agri-environment measures; and
Ecologically acceptable tourist routes were established.
The money spent on land purchase benefitted the local, economically marginal farming community. Similarly, the land management work was undertaken by 72 local farmers, a welcome boost to their income. There was a follow-up LIFE project, LIFE97 NAT/D/004224 “Chiemgau - Raised bogs and habitats for the corncrake in Southern Chiemgau”.


Reference: LIFE94 NAT/D/000432
Start Date: 01/04/1994
End Date: 31/12/1996
Total Eligible Budget: 0 €
EU Contribution: 810,000 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz
Legal Status: PUBLIC
Address: Rosenkavalierplatz 2, 81925, München,



  • Bogs and Mires


  • tourist facility
  • wetland
  • land purchase
  • restoration measure
  • endangered species
  • protected area


  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)
  • Directive 79/409 - Conservation of wild birds (02.04.1979)


  • 02 - Specific (i.e.for technical reasons or specific issue)


  • Crex crex


Code Name Type Version
Naturschutzgebiet 'Östliche Chiemgauer Alpen' DE8241401 SPA v.2021


Name Type
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Coordinator