The financial statement elaborated for COSME-GA contains the same fields as the general one and it should be treated similarly (more information on how to complete a general financial statement can be found here). These main fields of the financial statement are the following: 

  1. Financial information from contact

    "No contribution requested" is information coming from the signed grant, so this field is read-only.

  2. Financial statements

    All financial statements (each period has one financial statement) and adjustments (adjustment from a previous period for which you haven't declared all costs yet and the requested contribution) for the current periodic report are displayed here. Note: the button "add adjustment" is only available from period 2 (to adjust the costs requested for period 1).

  3. Financial statement for the selected period. 

    The detailed costs of the selected financial statement are visible here. 

(warning) Two additional cost categories (their sum is presented under the Receipts cost category) have been included only for the Financial Statement submitted in the final reporting period: 

When SyGMa 13.0 goes in PROD replace the info on this page with the one below:

The financial statement elaborated for COSME-GA contains the same fields as the general one and it should be treated similarly (more information on how to complete a general financial statement can be found here). These main fields of the financial statement are the following: 

1. Financial information from contact

"No contribution requested" is information coming from the signed grant, so this field is read-only.

2. Financial certificate 

The Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS) must be provided, in the final periodic report, “for each beneficiary [and for each linked third party], if it requests a total contribution of EUR 325 000 or more, as reimbursement of actual costs and unit costs calculated on the basis of its usual cost accounting practices” (art. 20.4).

If a CFS needs to be provided, a warning is displayed in the application and a validation error appears if the user saves the data without providing the requested CFS.

3. Financial statements

All financial statements (each period has one financial statement) and adjustments (adjustment from a previous period for which you haven't declared all costs yet and the requested contribution) for the current periodic report are displayed here. Note: the button "add adjustment" is only available from period 2 (to adjust the costs requested for period 1).

4. Financial statement for the selected period

The detailed costs of the selected financial statement are visible here. (warning) Note that the estimated budget for the action already supplied in annex 2 of the Grant Agreement doesn't appear here. You will have to introduce the actually incurred costs here. 

Cost categories 


The source document describing the costs is the Model Grant Agreement on the Funding & Tenders Portal


Some cost categories have:

  • aneditable field to complete the total amount of costs for that cost category
  • others have alink to click and complete the different amounts and corresponding explanations for theUse of Resourcesunder a specific cost category 
  • some have a separate Use of Resources  to complete with explanations for only a part of the entered amount under a specific cost category. 

The following cost categories are included in the financial statement:

a1 = Direct personnel costs 

a2 = Direct personnel costs declared as unit costs*

b = Direct costs of subcontracting

d = Other direct costs

e = Indirect costs

f = Total estimated eligible costs

k = Maximum EU contribution

l = Requested EU contribution

z = Requested EU contribution eligible for CFS

The following cost categories are included only for the Financial Statement submitted in the final reporting period:  

g = Income generated by the action (included only for the Financial Statement submitted in the final reporting period) 

h = Financial contributions given by third parties to the beneficiaries (included only for the Financial Statement submitted in the final reporting period) 

i = Receipts (included only for the Financial Statement submitted in the final reporting period and equal to the sum of the income generated by the action plus the financial contributions given by third parties to the beneficiaries; 

*(warning) Please note that for projects with model grant agreement older than version 4.0,the "Direct personnel costs declared as unit costs" category is displayed for beneficiaries who are either natural persons or SME owners.

(warning)The impact of cost categories is on the 'Maximum EU Contribution' calculation : (a1 + a2 + b + d + e) * RR
where RR = Reimbursement Rate