Fisheries Areas Network


Good Practice Project
Through cooperation with local fishermen and designers, and inspired by traditional techniques from other fishing communities in Europe, a young French entrepreneur has developed an innovative fish skin tanning process and now sells her “marine leather” to fashion designers all around the country.
Good Practice Project
Ekonomiskt stöd från Område 4 hjälpte en fiskare på den estniska ön Hiiumaa att diversifiera sin verksamhet utanför fiskesäsongen till tillverkning av fiskeutrustning och flerfunktionsnät. Utöver att skapa ett deltidsjobb för den här fiskaren, har det också skapat fyra heltidsjobb för lokala kvinnor.
Basic page
This page leads to all the project examples published during the 2007-2013 programming period.
Collection of FARNET Magazine published during the 2007-2013 programming period.
Earlier FARNET Guides are available in 11 languages (download pdf): Guide #1: Starting Up, #2: Cooperation, #3: Adding value, #4: Steps for Success, #5: Diversification of Fisheries Areas, #6: Green Growth in Europe’s Fisheries Areas, #7: A tool in the hands of fisheries communities, #8: Marketing the local catch, #9: Fisheries and Tourism: Creating benefits for the community, Sailing Towards 2020: Axis 4 in Action
FLAG Factsheet
The FLAG’s area coincides with the area covered by the Municipality of Pescara, a middle size city in the centre of the Adriatic coast of Italy, its shore is characterised by typical Mediterranean scrub (“la macchia mediterranea”).