Fisheries Areas Network


Cooperation Idea
The Intercommunal Syndicate of Arcachon Bay (SIBA) is looking for FLAGs from EU in a variety of areas, including bays, lagoons andr gulf ecosystems, for exchanging good practices on water quality preservation. The final goal of this cooperation would be to engage with local/regional agencies in charge of water quality management; to exchange good practices, share lessons and answer common questions; and to set the baseline for a formal cooperation across European bays on the topic of water quality management.
Good Practice Project
A FLAG supported project brings together a network of 17 local businesses in order to consolidate Bornholm as one of Denmark’s two “energy islands”, focused on the production and transformation of wind energy.
Good Practice Project
The oyster farmers of south Brittany installed a high-frequency multi-sensing buoy to support the understanding of spat settlement of the flat oyster, a key resource in the area.
WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
Basic page
After a study visit to Fyn FLAG in Denmark, a fishers’ association member was inspired to adapt one of the Danish projects to his area’s needs. The project aims to boost tourism and improve local knowledge of fisheries heritage.
Wind turbine
Good Practice Short Story
In Poland, the North Kaszuby FLAG supported the setting up of an experimental wind turbine in a local engineering company, helping to establish a new local energy supply, to promote economic diversification, and to create a new educational offer.
Basic page
WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
Good Practice Project
Pēc izpētes vizītes pie vietējās rīcības grupas Fyn FLAG Dānijā zvejnieku asociācijas biedrs nolēma pielāgot vienu no dāņu projektiem sava reģiona vajadzībām. Projekta mērķis ir veicināt tūrismu un uzlabot vietējās zināšanas par zivsaimniecību mantojumu.
Good Practice Project
Small-scale coastal fishers and fish farmers have been actively involved in the design of a coastal management plan for the Emilia-Romagna coastline. This stock management plan focused on three local high value species identified by the sector at regional level.
Basic page
On 16 December 2020, the transnational cooperation EU-Turkey Coops to Coast held its final capitalisation event, organised by the Black Sea Science Technology and Culture Association and Haliéus Italy (leading partners).