Fisheries Areas Network


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This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
Good Practice Short Story
Two FLAGs in Poland have joined efforts to implement a project promoting the fishing potential of two different regions. By focusing on their areas of greatest expertise, the FLAGs made a greater impact in their respective localities.
Good Practice Project
This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
Good Practice Short Story
A Finnish FLAG supported a research project to create a business model based on indoor aquaponic farming. This innovative concept reduces water use by 85% and produces both fish and vegetables with near zero-waste discharge.
Good Practice Short Story
To improve eel production in Lake Bolmen, the Halland FLAG has supported an initiative aimed at investigating why eel stocks are lower than expected compared to other similar sized lakes in Sweden. As eel are of high value to local fishers and tourism in the area, the project aims to identify and improve the cause of reduced eel stocks in the lake.
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The professional line fishers’ association of the Brittany region has run a communication campaign to promote line-caught fish. Two FLAGs cooperated to support this campaign that highlights the environmental sustainability and quality that are associated with this way of fishing.
Good Practice Project
La asociación de pescadores profesionales con sedal de la región de Bretaña ha llevado a cabo una campaña de comunicación para promover el pescado capturado con dicha técnica. La campaña, en la que han colaborado dos GALP, pretende sensibilizar al público sobre la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la calidad asociadas a este tipo de pesca.
Good Practice Project
La acuicultura conchícola constituye una importante actividad económica en la costa francesa del Atlántico, aunque también genera subproductos en forma de mejillones de pequeño tamaño que se suelen desechar. El objetivo de este proyecto es explotar el potencial que este producto tiene para generar metano como fuente de energía.
Good Practice Project
El GALP de Laponia ha financiado un proyecto de contratación y formación de pescadores a fin de rejuvenecer el envejecido sector pesquero de la zona alrededor de los lagos de Lokka y Porttipahta. Como resultado de dicho proyecto, han empezado a faenar 14 pescadores jóvenes de ambos sexos.
Good Practice Project
Chantier Bretagne Sud, un astillero ubicado en la región francesa de Bretaña, ha dirigido un proyecto para ayudar a los ostricultores bretones en su proceso de transición hacia las energías renovables, estudiando para ello sus necesidades y ofreciendo tecnologías adaptadas.