Fisheries Areas Network


Good Practice Project
Una giovane imprenditrice francese, tramite la cooperazione tra pescatori e designer locali e ispirandosi a tecniche tradizionali in uso in altre comunità di pesca europee, ha elaborato un innovativo processo di concia delle pelli di pesce e oggi vende i suoi “pellami di mare” a stilisti di tutto il paese.
Good Practice Project
Axis 4 financial support helped a fisherman on the Estonian island of Hiiumaa to diversify his activities outside of the fishing season into the production of fishing gear and multi-purpose nets. As well as creating a part-time job for this fisherman, it has also created four full-time jobs for local women.
Basic page
This page leads to all the project examples published during the 2007-2013 programming period.
Collection of FARNET Magazine published during the 2007-2013 programming period.
Earlier FARNET Guides are available in 11 languages (download pdf): Guide #1: Starting Up, #2: Cooperation, #3: Adding value, #4: Steps for Success, #5: Diversification of Fisheries Areas, #6: Green Growth in Europe’s Fisheries Areas, #7: A tool in the hands of fisheries communities, #8: Marketing the local catch, #9: Fisheries and Tourism: Creating benefits for the community, Sailing Towards 2020: Axis 4 in Action
FLAG Factsheet
The FLAG’s area coincides with the area covered by the Municipality of Pescara, a middle size city in the centre of the Adriatic coast of Italy, its shore is characterised by typical Mediterranean scrub (“la macchia mediterranea”).