Fisheries Areas Network


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Funded by the European Union, CLLD or “community-led local development” is a bottom-up approach to local development that brings local people together to decide how they want to improve their area. They do so by setting up partnerships of civil society, businesses and public bodies, called Local Action Groups (LAGs).
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The experience developed by FARNET under Axis 4 of the EFF (2007-2013) is still highly valuable for the current programming period, especially for new FLAGs.
Good Practice Method
To assist the LAGs and FLAGs in project selection and streamline decision-making, the Danish managing authority (MA) developed an IT system, which covers the entire process, from project application, to prioritisation, approval, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.
Good Practice Project
This project by the Vianapesca Producer Organisation (PO) focused on adding value to local fisheries products through processing and a marketing campaign. Faced with the problem of low prices, the Vianapesca PO needed to find a way to enhance the value of low priced fish such as mackerel and sardine. It therefore approached the FLAG with the idea of designing a project on adding value.
Result CLLD logo
The second FARNET transnational seminar “Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas” took place in Helsinki, from the 24th - 26th May 2016 to help FLAGs develop better strategies, to help both FLAGs and MAs to develop monitoring systems CLLD and to open a discussion on the broader impacts of CLLD.
Good Practice Method
Die FLAG Cornwall and Isles of Scilly gab eine Analyse der Sozialrendite in Auftrag, um die Wirkung ihrer Animations- und Mobilisierungsaktivitäten zu messen. Diese kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass jeder von der FLAG investierte Euro eine Sozialrendite von 5,45 € in Bezug auf die Vorteile für die lokale Gemeinschaft ergab.
Good Practice Short Story
To help preserve and promote the local fishing communities of North Devon, UK, Boat stories set sail with the North Devon FLAG in 2014 to make 10 short films telling the personal stories of those living and working with boats in the area. The stories, told by the skippers or crew, open the door to a world mostly hidden to even those who live on the coast, enticing the audience to come and have a closer look.
Good Practice Short Story
Marine sponges are filter feeder organisms known to accumulate metallic trace elements and digest fecal bacteria from the marine environment. That’s why academic researchers from the LBCM (Université de Bretagne Sud) teamed up with shellfish farmers to explore the filtration capacities of marine sponges to improve sea-water quality in shellfish farming areas.
Good Practice Project
TELECAPECHE ist eine mit Förderung aus Achse 4 entwickelte Software für die Direktübermittlung von Daten an Fischfang- und Fischzuchtbehörden zur Überwachung der Fischbestände und zur Ergreifung geeigneter Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen. Das System soll jetzt für die CLLD im Rahmen des EMFF weiterentwickelt werden.
Good Practice Project
As part of a broader cooperation project to promote the image of fishing and the coastal culture of the Mediterranean, a new online radio station gives a voice to ideas, news, culture and activities related to fisheries and the sea.