Fisheries Areas Network

Small-scale and coastal fisheries

  • French FLAG helps launch a CLLD-type dynamic in Tunisia

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    A four-year project to bring participative local development to the Kerkennah islands has proved that CLLD can be a valuable tool beyond the shores of Europe. Funded by ENPARD under the EU’s neighbourhood policy, the project, known as DEVLOK, has invested around €1.2M in these Tunisian fishing communities, diversifying the local economy and creating 47 new companies and 89 jobs.
  • Seaweed collection to fertilise local fields

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In the Vigo-A Guarda FLAG area, shellfish gatherers are working with local wine producers and a forestry association to turn seaweed - once a nuisance to their activity - into a valuable and sustainable resource: quality compost.
  • Mobilising and training volunteers to prevent poaching

    - Good Practice Short Story
    High Western Rhodopes is a popular fishing destination, which creates economic and social benefits for the local communities, but also environmental concerns, such as poaching. To prevent poaching, the FLAG financed training for volunteers to protect the local environment.
  • Promoting underused fish species and improving migrants´ integration

    - Good Practice Project
    Kustaktionsgruppen i Österbotten (Pohjanmaan kalatalousryhmä) tuki hanketta, jossa paikalliset asukkaat ja maahanmuuttajat kehittivät alikäytettyihin kalalajeihin perustuvia innovatiivisia ruokaohjeita. Sen tuloksena vähempiarvoisina pidettyjen kalojen kulutus kasvoi, maahanmuuttajien kotoutuminen edistyi ja kulttuurinen vuorovaikutus heidän kanssaan lisääntyi.
  • Blockchain improves traceability for small-scale fishers

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    This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
  • Joint promotion for increasing local incomes

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Two FLAGs in Poland have joined efforts to implement a project promoting the fishing potential of two different regions. By focusing on their areas of greatest expertise, the FLAGs made a greater impact in their respective localities.
  • Blockchain improves traceability for small-scale fishers

    - Good Practice Project
    This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
  • Improving eel stocks in Lake Bolmen

    - Good Practice Short Story
    To improve eel production in Lake Bolmen, the Halland FLAG has supported an initiative aimed at investigating why eel stocks are lower than expected compared to other similar sized lakes in Sweden. As eel are of high value to local fishers and tourism in the area, the project aims to identify and improve the cause of reduced eel stocks in the lake.
  • Recruiting young people to train with experienced fishers

    - Good Practice Project
    Lapin kalatalouden toimintaryhmä on rahoittanut kalastajien rekrytointi- ja koulutushanketta Lokan ja Porttipahdan tekoaltaiden ympäristön ikääntyvän ammattikunnan nuorentamiseksi. Hankkeen tuloksena 14 nuorta kalastajaa on aloittanut toimintansa. Joukossa on sekä miehiä että naisia.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - News
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.