Fisheries Areas Network

Short circuits

  • Promoting the territory through culinary heritage and local seafood

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Gargano LAG integrated the promotion of cultural and gastronomy heritage into their local development plan. This includes the development and promotion of the seafood sector. To do so, it supported the development of the Pesca Mia app, which connects the seafood sector, restaurants and private consumers.
  • MonPêcheur: Connecting fishers and consumers at the quay!

    - Good Practice Project
    Two neighbouring FLAGs cooperate to support a mobile phone app, MonPêcheur, to connect local fishers with consumers by providing them with an online platform for communicating, promoting, and selling their catches directly to the consumer.
  • Promoting aquaculture products

    - Good Practice Project
    Drei slowenische FLAG führen zwecks Errichtung eines fischwirtschaftlichen Qualitätssicherungssystems eine Qualitätsbestimmung für Fischereierzeugnisse aus ihrer Region durch.
  • A social enterprise that places local fish in school canteens

    - Good Practice Project
    A social joint venture between the Red Cross and a local fish auction helps the unemployed into work while securing a place to process undervalued local seafood.
  • PT - FLAG Cooperation in Portugal

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation in Portugal is considered a useful tool to allow the FLAGs to bring together the knowledge and capacity of actors with different levels of experience, including those from rural and urban areas. As such, support for cooperation will focus on fostering exchange between different organisations, with the aim of resolving common problems and putting into practice ideas that produce benefits that go beyond a single FLAG area.
  • Fisheries and angling potential: creating the conditions for local development

    - Cooperation Idea
    A group of 9 inland and coastal FLAGs from Poland has found partners from Italy, Latvia and Lithuania to launch a cooperation project that entails the exchange of experience and joint actions, such as study visits to each of the areas involved along 2020-2021.
  • Cooperation project connects Northern and Southern Mediterranean shores

    - News
    Local fisheries communities from France, Italy and Tunisia will be sharing ideas on sustainable economic diversification, thanks to a new cooperation project run by the Etruscan Coast FLAG in Tuscany (IT).
  • Adding fish to local food baskets

    - Good Practice Project
    In Abruzzo, southern Italy, Solidarity Purchasing Groups have teamed up with fishermen to start including fish in their local food baskets.
  • New quality label in Croatia promotes restaurants serving local fish

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In Dalmatia, fishermen and restaurants received support from Galeb FLAG to create the ‘Fishermen recommend’ scheme and quality label, endorsing local fish products.
  • Adeliacor FLAG

    - FLAG Factsheet
    The FLAG territory includes 52 coastal villages across five islands in the Western group of the Azores archipelago. The Azores is located on the Atlantic Ridge. Its relief is very rugged. The lines of relief run in an east-west direction, matching the fracture lines to which the islands owe their formation.