Fisheries Areas Network

Society and culture

  • From Denmark to the Rhodopes: bringing fisheries closer to citizens

    - Good Practice Project
    După o vizită de studiu la FLAG-ul Fyn din Danemarca, un membru al unei asociații de pescari s-a simțit motivat să adapteze unul din proiectele daneze la nevoile din zona sa. Proiectul are ca scop încurajarea turismului și îmbunătățirea cunoștințelor locale privind patrimoniul pescăresc.
  • Fishers campaigning for reducing plastic in ports

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The FISHEKO Operation, covering the whole coastline of Slovenia, is a project giving local fishers communication training and hiring them to carry out an awareness-raising campaign against single-use plastics in marine activities.
  • Autumn Passages 2020: promoting fisheries in the old city of Nessebar

    - Good Practice Project
    Municipalitatea Nessebar a organizat prima ediție a festivalului „Pasaje de toamnă” în 2020. În timpul acestui festival, comunitatea locală și turiștii s-au bucurat de o gamă largă de activități pentru promovarea produselor pescărești din Marea Neagră, a pescuitului ca profesie și a conservării patrimoniului maritim.
  • A network for seafaring women

    - Basic page
    A cooperation project between two Catalan FLAGs has supported the creation of an association, which aims to increase the visibility of women from fishing and aquaculture and improve their ability to develop business projects that help diversify the sector.
  • A network for seafaring women

    - Good Practice Project
    A cooperation project between two Catalan FLAGs has supported the creation of an association, which aims to increase the visibility of women from fishing and aquaculture and improve their ability to develop business projects that help diversify the sector.
  • gr-eu-map-greece

    GR - FLAG Cooperation in Greece

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation is strongly encouraged in Greece and the proposal of at least one (inter-territorial or transnational) cooperation project was a compulsory element of the application process for candidate FLAGs to receive EMFF funding. Some of the themes emerging most strongly from the Greek local development strategies include cooperation around tourism, thematic trails (e.g. around gastronomy, archaeology…) and diving parks.
  • Cooperation for supporting marine tourism businesses by fisheries families

    - Basic page
    The ‘Mar das Illas’ cooperation project sees three FLAGs in the Pontevedra province working together to support local fishers and families in their entrepreneurial efforts focused on marine and pesca-tourism.
  • Cooperation for supporting marine tourism businesses by fisheries families

    - Good Practice Project
    Proiectul de cooperare „Mar das Illas” include trei FLAG-uri din provincia Pontevedra care colaborează pentru a sprijini pescarii și familiile locale în eforturile lor antreprenoriale axate pe turismul marin și pescăresc.
  • fr-eu-map-france

    FR - FLAG Cooperation in France

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation is strongly encouraged by the programme authorities in France and FLAGs were required to lay out their plans for cooperation within their local development strategies in their bid to gain EMFF funding. In some cases, cooperation is viewed as a transversal tool to strengthen the impact of all areas of FLAG work and, in other cases, cooperation is programmed as an area of work in its own right with specific objectives.
  • Supporting small-scale fisheries and aquaculture businesses

    - Good Practice Project
    The development of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture businesses in the Western Lithuania FLAG area is a vital part of the economic development of regions such as Klaipeda and Priekulė. This project, implemented by a small local company, aims to improve the processing of local fisheries and aquaculture products through a series of FLAG-funded strategic investments.