Fisheries Areas Network

Society and culture

  • pl-eu-map-poland

    PL - FLAG Cooperation in Poland

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation activities are not mandatory in the Polish EMFF programme, but FLAGs are encouraged to undertake them. Cooperation is considered as a good way to facilitate learning by FLAGs and to contribute to achieving their strategic objectives, which strongly prioritise job creation, both within and outside the fisheries sector. In the previous period many Polish FLAGs already proved eager to learn from FLAGs in other Member States and to share their experience with them.
  • Seaweed collection to fertilise local fields

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In the Vigo-A Guarda FLAG area, shellfish gatherers are working with local wine producers and a forestry association to turn seaweed - once a nuisance to their activity - into a valuable and sustainable resource: quality compost.
  • Mobilising and training volunteers to prevent poaching

    - Good Practice Short Story
    High Western Rhodopes is a popular fishing destination, which creates economic and social benefits for the local communities, but also environmental concerns, such as poaching. To prevent poaching, the FLAG financed training for volunteers to protect the local environment.
  • Promoting underused fish species and improving migrants´ integration

    - Good Practice Project
    FLAG'en Ostrobothnia støttede et projekt, der gik ud på at få lokalbefolkningen og migranter til at udarbejde opskrifter på mad med fiskearter, der hidtil ikke har været anvendt i særligt omfang. Det medførte, at forbruget af de knap så værdsatte fisk steg, og at det kulturelle samarbejde og integrationen af migranterne blev forbedret.
  • From marine litter to tools for the fisheries sector

    - Good Practice Project
    The Costa Sostible FLAG has supported the renovation of an abandoned local school to be used as a new marine litter transformation centre by three associations for the handicapped.
  • Joint promotion for increasing local incomes

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Two FLAGs in Poland have joined efforts to implement a project promoting the fishing potential of two different regions. By focusing on their areas of greatest expertise, the FLAGs made a greater impact in their respective localities.
  • Recruiting young people to train with experienced fishers

    - Good Practice Project
    The Lapland FLAG has financed a fisheries recruitment and training project to rejuvenate the ageing fisheries sector in the area around the Lokka and Porttipahta reservoirs. As a result, 14 young fishers of both genders started to operate.
  • Making oyster farming energy self-sufficient

    - Good Practice Project
    The Chantier Bretagne Sud shipyard has led a project to support Brittany’s oyster farms in their transition to renewable energies by studying their needs and offering adapted technology.
  • From Denmark to the Rhodopes: bringing fisheries closer to citizens

    - Basic page
    After a study visit to Fyn FLAG in Denmark, a fishers’ association member was inspired to adapt one of the Danish projects to his area’s needs. The project aims to boost tourism and improve local knowledge of fisheries heritage.
  • Wind turbine

    Eco-diversifying the local economy

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In Poland, the North Kaszuby FLAG supported the setting up of an experimental wind turbine in a local engineering company, helping to establish a new local energy supply, to promote economic diversification, and to create a new educational offer.