Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice

EU FLAG projects as of February 2020With the second generation of FLAGs now up and running, there is a growing number of project examples from the past and the present which can inspire other actions aimed at developing fisheries and aquaculture areas around Europe, be it through economic, environmental or social support and investment.
The project descriptions and short stories below give an insight into some of the local projects funded by the FLAGs, while the methods provide helpful examples of effective programme management, ranging from community outreach to FLAG self-assessment.

Good practice examples from 2010-2016

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  • 03/11/2020
    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, Business support, Processing, Short circuits, Traceability, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Infrastructure
    Att utveckla småskaligt fiske och vattenbruksföretag i området för Västra Litauen FLAG utgör en central faktor för den ekonomiska utvecklingen av regioner som Klaipeda och Priekulė. Syftet med detta projekt, som genomförs av ett litet lokalt företag, är att stärka förädlingen av produkter från lokalt fiske och vattenbruk genom en rad FLAG-finansierade strategiska investeringar.
  • 03/11/2020
    Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Society and culture, Cultural heritage, Education and training, Youth
    The Chioggia and Po Delta FLAG has successfully convinced a high school to launch an official training programme in commercial fishing and fish production. The FLAG used their animation activities, together with fisheries stakeholders and the wider local community, to attract their first groups of students who will become the entrepreneurs of the future.
  • 13/10/2020
    Baltic region
    Environment, Fisheries resources, Integrated coastal management, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    Ett samarbetsprojekt i stor skala mellan FLAG i Östersjön har gett ökade kunskaper om konsekvenserna av de växande säl- och skarvpopulationerna för småskaligt kustfiske i regionen. FLAG har genom detta samarbetsprojekt tagit fram lösningar för att uppnå en balanserad hantering av marina resurser.
  • 17/09/2020
    Tourism, Society and culture, Infrastructure
    Supported by the South Leipzig FLAG, the dynamic redevelopment of former coal mining area into recreational and professional ‘fishing base’ will improve fisheries production and further develop local tourism in the Störmthal lake region.
  • 04/09/2020
    Tourism, Environment, Water quality, Integrated coastal management, Infrastructure
    To restore natural balance to ecosystems on the Swedish archipelago, the Stockholmsbygd FLAG has supported an initiative aimed at reinstating coastal wetlands in an effort to increase pike stocks. Key predators in the Baltic, pike are essential to maintaining biodiversity and healthy waters in the area.
  • 10/07/2020
    Pesca-tourism, Governance, Complementary funding, Cultural heritage, Education and training
    An Italian FLAG and its partners access funds from EASME Sustainable Blue Economy call to support fishing communities in Tunisia develop their capacity to implement community-led local development (CLLD).
  • 09/07/2020
    Aquaculture, Promotion, Gastronomy, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Society and culture, Cultural heritage, Education and training
    To support the economic revival of the local fishing sector following the COVID-19 crisis, the local fishing communities of the Hauts-de-France region have launched a weekly column in newspapers to promote their seafood products.
  • 06/07/2020
    New technology, Environment, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Education and training
    Through the MedAves Pesca project, the Oeste FLAG joined together with the Portuguese NGO SPEA to enable better communication and interaction with the fisheries sector. This joint project focused on adapting fisheries practices to avoid the death of seabirds while fishing in the Ilhas Berlengas area.
  • 03/07/2020
    As fishing and aquaculture continue to suffer a considerable loss of turnover, a small group of fishers and a fish farmer volunteered to deliver fresh fish to local restaurateurs who, in turn, prepare free-of-charge dishes for hospital staff and people in need.
  • 19/06/2020
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, New technology, Promotion, Short circuits, Traceability
    Online-försäljning har mött förnyat intresse sedan covid-19-pandemin och inspirerat projekt som Cabaz do Peixe till ny energi. Denna virtuella plattform för försäljning av fisk till allmänheten från den lokala småskaliga fiskeflottan garanterar leveranser av färska och högkvalitativa produkter, liksom konsumentsäkerhet.