Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice Projects

  • 16/04/2021
    Tourism, Society and culture, Cultural heritage, Education and training, Infrastructure
    After a study visit to Fyn FLAG in Denmark, a fishers’ association member was inspired to adapt one of the Danish projects to his area’s needs. The project aims to boost tourism and improve local knowledge of fisheries heritage.
  • 07/04/2021
    Governance, Fisheries resources, Integrated coastal management, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    Small-scale coastal fishers and fish farmers have been actively involved in the design of a coastal management plan for the Emilia-Romagna coastline. This stock management plan focused on three local high value species identified by the sector at regional level.
  • 02/03/2021
    Arts and crafts, Gastronomy, Tourism, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Society and culture, Cultural heritage
    2020 m. Nesebero savivaldybė surengė pirmąjį „Rudens pasažų“ festivalį. Šio festivalio metu vietos bendruomenė ir turistai mėgavosi įvairiomis veiklomis, kurių tikslas – populiarinti Juodosios jūros žuvininkystės produktus, skatinti žvejybos profesiją bei saugoti jūrų paveldą.
  • 12/02/2021
    Environment, Governance, Fisheries resources, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    With support from the FLAG, local fishers are helping enforce protection measures and halt poaching in the region’s oldest fisheries marine reserve, Cabo de Palos. Its improved protection has favoured an increase of endemic species.
  • 01/02/2021
    Governance, Education and training, Women
    A cooperation project between two Catalan FLAGs has supported the creation of an association, which aims to increase the visibility of women from fishing and aquaculture and improve their ability to develop business projects that help diversify the sector.
  • 18/01/2021
    New technology, Traceability, Environment, Fisheries resources
    The East Finland FLAG has supported the creation of a mobile app for Finnish inland fishers to register their catches. Developed by a University of Applied Sciences and introduced in May 2020, the tool will enhance catch-data collection and traceability along the fisheries value chain.
  • 16/12/2020
    Business support, New technology, Diversification, Marine activities, Tourism
    Despite experiencing environmental strain, the Limfjord has an abundance of sea trout. This species is very attractive to anglers. A FLAG-LAG cooperation project addresses local economic and environmental goals by creating a new tourist location based on recreational fishing.
  • 09/12/2020
    Business support, Diversification, Pesca-tourism, Tourism, Cultural heritage, Education and training, Women
    The ‘Mar das Illas’ cooperation project sees three FLAGs in the Pontevedra province working together to support local fishers and families in their entrepreneurial efforts focused on marine and pesca-tourism.
  • 03/11/2020
    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, Business support, Processing, Short circuits, Traceability, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Infrastructure
    Mažos apimties žvejybos ir akvakultūros įmonių plėtra Vakarų Lietuvos FLAG regione yra gyvybiškai svarbi tokių vietovių, kaip Klaipėda ir Priekulė, ekonominės plėtros dalis. Šiuo projektu, kurį įgyvendina nedidelė vietinė įmonė, siekiama gerinti vietos žuvininkystės ir akvakultūros produktų perdirbimą, pritraukiant FLAG finansuojamas strategines investicijas.
  • 13/10/2020
    Baltic region
    Environment, Fisheries resources, Integrated coastal management, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    A large-scale cooperation project between Baltic FLAGs has increased knowledge on the impact the growing seal and cormorant populations are having on small-scale coastal fisheries in the region. Through this cooperation project, FLAGs have developed solutions for achieving the balanced management of marine resources.