Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice Projects

  • 23/11/2021
    A local company is piloting the integration a vertical seaweed cultivation system into the recirculated aquaculture system (RAS) industry to reduce the environmental impact of land-based fish production.
  • 15/11/2021
    Promotion, Gastronomy, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Society and culture, Education and training, Migrants and refugees
    Ostrobotnia FLAG toetas projekti, mille käigus lõid kohaliku kogukonna liikmed ja sisserändajad alakasutatud kalaliikide jaoks uuenduslikke retsepte. Projekti tulemusena suurenes alakasutatud kalaliikide tarbimine ning paranes sisserändajate kultuuriline ja sotsiaalne lõimumine.
  • 12/11/2021
    Circular economy, Marine litter, Society and culture, Education and training, Infrastructure, Women
    The Costa Sostible FLAG has supported the renovation of an abandoned local school to be used as a new marine litter transformation centre by three associations for the handicapped.
  • 28/09/2021
    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, Labelling, New technology, Short circuits, Traceability, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
  • 21/09/2021
    Adding value to fisheries, Promotion, Short circuits, Traceability, Gastronomy
    The professional line fishers’ association of the Brittany region has run a communication campaign to promote line-caught fish. Two FLAGs cooperated to support this campaign that highlights the environmental sustainability and quality that are associated with this way of fishing.
  • 26/07/2021
    Aquaculture, New technology, Environment, Climate change, Energy
    Shellfish farming is an important economic activity on the Atlantic French coast. But it also generates undersized mussels as by-products which are usually thrown away. This project focuses on exploiting their potential by generating methane to produce energy.
  • 29/06/2021
    Adding value to fisheries, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Education and training, Women, Youth
    Lapimaa FLAG rahastab kalanduse värbamis- ja koolitusprojekti, mille eesmärgiks on uuendada vananevat kalandussektorit Lokka ja Porttipahta veekogude piirkonnas. Selle tulemusena asusid tööle 14 noort nais- ja meeskalastajat.
  • 29/06/2021
    Aquaculture, Environment, Energy, Infrastructure
    The Chantier Bretagne Sud shipyard has led a project to support Brittany’s oyster farms in their transition to renewable energies by studying their needs and offering adapted technology.
  • 17/05/2021
    Business support, Diversification, Environment, Energy, Integrated coastal management
    A FLAG supported project brings together a network of 17 local businesses in order to consolidate Bornholm as one of Denmark’s two “energy islands”, focused on the production and transformation of wind energy.
  • 10/05/2021
    Aquaculture, New technology, Fisheries resources, Integrated coastal management
    The oyster farmers of south Brittany installed a high-frequency multi-sensing buoy to support the understanding of spat settlement of the flat oyster, a key resource in the area.