Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice Projects

  • 03/03/2017
    United Kingdom
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Promotion, Short circuits, Education and training
    A combination of one-to-one engagement with local fisheries businesses, networking them with each other and the provision of business mentoring support has helped improve the supply of local fish into the Northern Devon market and create new economic activities.
  • clld020-scallop

    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, Business support, Processing, Promotion, Diversification, Environment, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    Scallop fishermen teamed up with scientists to study the possibility of cultivating Queen Scallops in the Vigo Estuary, diversifying their production method and improving the sustainability of their activity.
  • clld017-boat

    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Complementary funding, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Youth
    Επί χρόνια, οι τοπικοί αλιείς βιώνουν τις συνέπειες της οικονομικής κρίσης. Το τραπεζικό σύστημα της περιοχής έχει περιοριστεί σε λίγους φορείς που θέτουν αυστηρούς περιορισμούς στη χορήγηση δανείων. Οι αλιείς δεν έχουν πάντα τη δυνατότητα να παρέχουν εγγυήσεις, γεγονός που δυσχεραίνει τη πρόσβασή τους σε δάνεια. Δεδομένου ότι οι αλιείς δεν πληρούν πάντα τις προδιαγραφές ενός δανειολήπτη, μπορούν να απορριφθούν από την τράπεζα. Σε πρόσφατες συζητήσεις με τους ντόπιους αλιείς αναδείχτηκε η ανάγκη τους για ένα πιο προσβάσιμο πιστωτικό σύστημα που θα τους βοηθήσει να χρηματοδοτήσουν τις πρωτοβουλίες τους.
  • 16/09/2016
    Adding value to fisheries, Labelling, Promotion, Traceability, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    With the support of Axis 4, a Spanish octopus fishery became the world’s first to receive Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification, opening up new marketing opportunities to the local fleet.
  • 16/09/2016
    Adding value to fisheries, Diversification, Gastronomy, Tourism, Education and training
    Στόχος του έργου «Ψαροταβέρνες» είναι η βελτίωση των προτύπων ποιότητας των τοπικών ψαροταβερνών – των προϊόντων και της εξυπηρετικότητάς τους – κυρίως μέσω της βελτίωσης της χρήσης των φρέσκων αλιευμάτων και της εφαρμογής ελκυστικών εργαλείων επικοινωνίας.
  • 14/06/2016
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Processing, Promotion, Diversification, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    This project by the Vianapesca Producer Organisation (PO) focused on adding value to local fisheries products through processing and a marketing campaign. Faced with the problem of low prices, the Vianapesca PO needed to find a way to enhance the value of low priced fish such as mackerel and sardine. It therefore approached the FLAG with the idea of designing a project on adding value.
  • 14/02/2016
    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, New technology, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    TELECAPECHE is an e-technology system that provides real-time data to local fisheries and aquaculture committees, helping them to monitor fish stocks and adopt suitable management measures. Launched with Axis 4 support, the system’s creators are now looking at some big developments using CLLD under the EMFF.
  • 14/02/2016
    Promotion, Tourism, Society and culture, Cultural heritage, Youth
    As part of a broader cooperation project to promote the image of fishing and the coastal culture of the Mediterranean, a new online radio station gives a voice to ideas, news, culture and activities related to fisheries and the sea.
  • 14/09/2015
    Processing, Diversification, Fisheries by-products, Circular economy, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Women
    Through cooperation with local fishermen and designers, and inspired by traditional techniques from other fishing communities in Europe, a young French entrepreneur has developed an innovative fish skin tanning process and now sells her “marine leather” to fashion designers all around the country.
  • 14/09/2015
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Diversification, Fisheries by-products, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Women
    Axis 4 financial support helped a fisherman on the Estonian island of Hiiumaa to diversify his activities outside of the fishing season into the production of fishing gear and multi-purpose nets. As well as creating a part-time job for this fisherman, it has also created four full-time jobs for local women.