Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice Methods

  • 12/09/2019
    For the fourth consecutive year, Boulogne-sur-Mer has hosted a Hackathon to foster entrepreneurial and innovative ideas in tackling the challenges faced by the region’s coastal areas.
  • 27/06/2018
    Irish FLAGs have supported the development of six Regional Inshore Fisheries Forums (RIFFs) and a National Inshore Fisheries Forum (NIFF) to ensure representation of the small-scale segment of the fleet in regional and national decision making.
  • 11/04/2018
    Governance, Fisheries resources
    The Regional Government of Galicia offers an inspirational example of how to plan CLLD implementation in advance to ensure FLAGs remain operational from one programming period to another. This has helped to safeguard the local dynamic and credibility built up by the FLAGs and ensure funds are quickly available for new projects in the new period.
  • 11/12/2017
    A project competition and awards ceremony were organised by the regional administration to boost communication around CLLD and increase local awareness of the FLAGs’ work in Galicia’s coastal areas.
  • 02/10/2017
    Business support, Governance, Complementary funding, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    FLAG taps into alternative funding stream to facilitate small-scale fishermen’s participation in fisheries fora around the Baltic.
  • 15/09/2017
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Governance, Complementary funding
    The Eastern Cantabria FLAG has partnered with a local microcredit institution in assessing business plans to help community members obtain loans to launch new companies in its area.
  • 25/08/2017
    Nacionaliniai tinklai atlieka svarbų vaidmenį užtikrindami FLAG grupių, žvejybos suinteresuotųjų subjektų ir nacionalinių bei regioninių administravimo institucijų, dalyvaujančių vietos žvejybos plėtroje, ryšį. Latvijos nacionalinis tinklas padeda ne tik FLAG grupėms, bet ir visam žvejybos sektoriui keistis informacija ir žiniomis.
  • 11/05/2017
    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, Promotion, Short circuits, Marine activities, Tourism, Education and training
    Skatinamąja veikla vietiniame žuvininkystės ūkyje užsiėmusi FLAG padėjo pakelti žuvų vartojimo lygį, atkreipti dėmesį į aplinkos apsaugą ir sukurti visuomenėje naujų prekybos žuvimis formų.
  • 10/12/2016
    Adding value to fisheries, Promotion
    An annual competition for the best projects supported by the Liepaja LAG-FLAG helps to involve the community, inspire new projects and monitor results.
  • PROMIS map DK

    New technology, Governance
    To assist the LAGs and FLAGs in project selection and streamline decision-making, the Danish managing authority (MA) developed an IT system, which covers the entire process, from project application, to prioritisation, approval, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.