Fisheries Areas Network

FLAG Factsheet

Southern North Friesland FLAG

Official name: 
LAG AktivRegion Südliches Nordfriesland e.V
Programming period: 


The fisheries area “Nordfriesland Nord” is located on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, just under 20 km from the Danish border. It is a rural region with a strong tourism sector. In the immediate vicinity of the FLAG lie the North Frisian Islands of Sylt, Föhr and Amrum and the numerous Hallig islands (tidal islands). The North Sea in this area is part of the German Wadden Sea National Park of Schleswig-Holstein which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The fisheries area includes the municipalities of Dagebüll and Ockholm with their respective ports Dagebüll and Schlüttsiel. The port activities of both municipalities date back to the 16th and 17th centuries. The municipalities are very small and the FLAG covers only 55 km².

Today the mussel and crabs fishing plays only a lesser role and all mussel catches are transported to the Netherlands and marketed there. There is no fishing anymore. The port of Dagebüll is used almost exclusively by shellfish producers for logistical purposes.

Thoughts of sustainability and a balanced approach to the numerous tourists in the protected Wadden Sea are challenges of the future. In this context, regional direct marketing of fishery products is also becoming more important.

Type of area:
Sea Basins:
Protected areas: 

The FLAG is is part of the the German Wadden Sea National Park of Schleswig-Holstein.

1 236
Surface area (km²)
Population density
Total employment in fisheries

FLAG strategy

The FLAG strategy combines several goals, focusing on three core themes. FLAG-funded projects must be allocated to one of these core themes.

  • Conservation of fisheries

Fishing in the area should be maintained or re-established. Particular attention is paid to the area of the mussel fishing.

  • Preparation of Coastal Culture / Fisheries

The knowledge of fishing history is to be recorded and passed on to preserve historical heritage. This will include the production of information material on the history of fishing and coastal culture, as well as the establishment of tourist and cultural products and activities in this area.

  • Strengthening direct marketing

The direct marketing of fishery products in the area is to be expanded through measures such as on-site processing, networking and information, cooperation between fishermen and the gastronomy sector, or consumer behaviour through targeted information. The focus will be on the tourism area.

Adding value, creating jobs, and promoting innovation along the fisheries chain
Supporting diversification
Enhancing and capitalising on the environmental assets
Promoting social wellbeing and cultural heritage
Strengthening the role of fisheries communities in local development


Total public budget allocated to the FLAG for 2014-2020: 
329 412
  • EMFF: 
    280 000
  • MS co-financing: 
    49 412
  • Sources of co-funding: 

    The co-financing of the projects is carried out by the municipalities of Dagebüll and Ockholm. The state of Schleswig-Holstein assumes the running costs of the branch office (regional management).

  • Funds: 

Project examples

  • Expansion of a terrace at the dike in Schlüttsiel for the direct marketing of catches of northern seabream
  • Expansion of a children's playground in Dagebüll with reference to the topic of fishing culture and information boards
  • Study of fish consumption on the West coast of Schleswig-Holstein (in cooperation with further FLAGs from Schleswig-Holstein)
  • Structural integration of a possibility for the direct marketing of fishery products in the expansion of the “Deichtorplatz” in Dagebüll.

Calls for proposals

There are no fixed dates for submitting project applications. The decision-making body, the Fish Working Group, meets twice a year or when necessary.

Expertise & cooperation

The FLAG has knowledge and expertise to share on adaptation to nature conservation regulations for fishing (Nationalpark Wattenmeer).

The FLAG is interested in increasing the direct marketing of crabs and a targeted awareness of the needs and products of fisheries. To this end, it hopes to launch a joint strategy for the marketing of fishery products among the other Schleswig-Holstein FLAGs, in particular those on the west coast (North Sea), for instance on joint studies.

There is no separate budget for this cooperation.


Accountable body: 
AktivRegion Nordfriesland Nord
Members of the partnership: 

Members of the decision-making body come from different backgrounds:

  • The two municipalities
  • The Schleswig-Holstein mussel-breeders organisation
  • A private crab fisherman
  • Tourism organisations
  • The port company of Dagebüll
  • The Schlüttsiel association
  • The yacht club Dagebüll-Schlüttsiel
  • The trade association of Dagebüll.

The “Land Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas” – Fisheries Department – acts as a consultant.

Number of individuals/organisations in partnership/general assembly: 
% of fisheries actors: 
% of public authorities and other: 
% of other (non-fisheries) private / NGO sector actors: 
Number of individuals on main decision-making body/board: 
% of public actors: 
Number of contracted staff in FLAG: 


FLAG Contacts

[DE202] Eider-Treene-Sorge GmbH
Eiderstraße 5
24803 Erfde-Bargen
FLAG Manager:
Ms. Silke Andreas
+351 258 800 200
Publication date: 
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