Fisheries Areas Network

FLAG Factsheet

Plodovi Mora FLAG

Official name: 
LAGUR Plodovi Mora
Programming period: 


The FLAG area mainly comprises the islands of the coast of Zadar where agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries were historically primary sectors. Today, tourism is the main economic activity in most of the municipalities, except in Kali where aquaculture and small-scale fisheries are the main sources of income for many communities. Large-scale fisheries are also important economically; 49% of Croatia’s national catch is landed in this area, the majority of which is oily fish. Small-scale fisheries are important traditionally and ethnologically for the development and recognition of the area’s history and cultural heritage.

30% of all Croatian employees working in aquaculture work in the FLAG area, either in one of the most successful tuna farms in the world, one of top 10 white fish farms in Europe, or in other local aquaculture production companies. 60% of Croatian mariculture is also produced in this area. The oldest fishing cooperative and the only fisheries producer’s organisation in Croatia are situated in the region. The main fishing techniques are midwater trawling and purse seine nets.

Challenges for the area include a low consumption of local fish and fisheries products per capita, a lack of local product promotion and sales points, weak diversification, and a lack of connections between the tourism and the fisheries sector. The main development needs of the FLAG are related to educational needs and increasing employment in the fisheries and other related sectors, ensuring minimum conditions for fish sales, encouraging new activities, and promoting the maritime heritage as one of the main features of the potential tourist destination. Creating new job opportunities (in fisheries as well as in touristic sector) will directly have a positive impact on the reduction of out-migration.

Type of area:
Sea Basins:
Protected areas: 


Natura 2000 areas (975km2):

Habitats Directive Sites include:

  • The islands and surrounding areas of Olib, Silba, Premuda, Škarda, Zapuntel, Ist, Molat, Rivanj, Sestrice; Solišćica, Sakarun and west coast of Dugi otok.
  • The seas around the islands J. Molat-Dugi otok-Kornat-Murter-Pašman-Ugljan-Rivanj-Sestrunj-Molat  
  • The Telašćica nature park.


Bird Directive Sites:

  • The northern part of the Zadar archipelago.
  • The Telašćica Kornati nature parks.

National protected areas (80km2):

  • The olive groves of Saljsko polje which is a special botanical reservation site.
  • Northwestern part of Dugi otok and the island of Ošljak.
  • The Vladimir Nazor park in Zadar which is a national monument.
82 917
Surface area (km²)
3 570
Population density
Total employment in fisheries
7 500

FLAG strategy

To support the diversification of the fisheries sector, links with the tourism industry will be encouraged. The aim is to take advantage of the area’s strong maritime cultural heritage and blue economy from a tourism perspective. The FLAG wants to strengthen the area’s identity and that of its fishing communities by linking the regions cultural, natural and fisheries assets.

Through the sharing of knowledge and the creation of various educational programmes and courses, the FLAG aims to grow and develop the area’s aquaculture businesses. The skills of fishermen in the sector will increase, strengthening capacities and innovation; which will, in turn, lead to the creation of jobs and will attract young people into the industry.

Despite the current high profitability of the fisheries, there are few local fish markets. One of the FLAG’s objectives is to develop both direct and indirect sales channels for local fisheries products. Through increased marketing efforts and promoting the value of fish consumption, the FLAG hopes to shorten supply chains in the area.  

Adding value, creating jobs, and promoting innovation along the fisheries chain
% of the budget allocated: 
Supporting diversification
Enhancing and capitalising on the environmental assets
Promoting social wellbeing and cultural heritage
Strengthening the role of fisheries communities in local development


Total public budget allocated to the FLAG for 2014-2020: 
2 200 000
  • EMFF: 
    1 870 000
  • MS co-financing: 
    330 000
  • Sources of co-funding: 


Project examples

Project examples and ideas for Plodovi Mora FLAG include:

  • Developing gastronomy stop-off points on the islands where people can buy, eat and learn about fish and fisheries related activities.
  • Linking tourism with aquaculture, providing an opportunity for fishers to exhibit their knowledge, giving visitors a better understanding of the fisheries and aquaculture activities in the region and making them more accessible.
  • Creating a meeting platform (plateau) which will become a place for different educational and cultural workshops and courses, or for holding different cultural events (reviving the tradition of fish auctions, presenting local products and dishes).
  • Making common visual identities and brands of local products and communities.

Calls for proposals

The FLAG will make regular calls for projects which will have specific deadlines. More information will be made available on the FLAG website

Expertise & cooperation

The FLAG has experience in promoting cultural heritage and creating new ways of making the identity of a fisheries community more visible to others. The FLAG is interested in cooperating with the other FLAGs and institutions in the area, promoting the culture and tourism, as well as in setting up gastronomic campaigns related to seafood. The FLAG is also interested in exchanging experience with other FLAGs in Croatia and across Europe, especially those that have projects related to cultural maritime heritage and promoting pesca-tourism.

Budget envisaged for cooperation: 


Accountable body: 
Plodovi Mora FLAG
Members of the partnership: 

The FLAG includes the following members:

  • Kali tuna d.o.o. – which specialises in tuna farming, tuna fishing, feed fishing and processing, research and development of aquaculture, sales and exports of tuna.
  • Cromaris d.o.o. – which specialises in the cultivation, processing and sale of white fish with specific emphasis on sea bass and sea bream.
  • RZ Omega 3 – a fishing cooperative.
  • Otočni sabor – NGO oriented towards the development of the Croatian islands.
  • Mardešić d.o.o. – which specialises in processing.
  • The University of Zadar and the “Blue Smart” project.
  • Udruga za promicanje ekološke proizvodnje hrane, zaštite okoliša i održivog razvoja "EKO-ZADAR" – and environmental NGO.
  • LEADER LAG Mareta.
Number of individuals/organisations in partnership/general assembly: 
% of fisheries actors: 
% of public authorities and other: 
% of other (non-fisheries) private / NGO sector actors: 
% of environmental actors: 
Number of individuals on main decision-making body/board: 
% of public actors: 
Number of contracted staff in FLAG: 


FLAG Contacts

Plodovi Mora FLAG
Lokalna akcijska grupa u ribarstvu Plodovi Mora
Trg Marnjiva 23
23272 Kali
FLAG President:
Mr. Šime Kosor
FLAG Manager:
Ms. Nina Mrkonja
+385 97 60 56 67 6
  • Croatian (Mother tongue)
  • English (Advanced)
  • Italian (Advanced)
  • Spanish (Intermediate)
Publication date: 
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