Fisheries Areas Network

FLAG Factsheet

Dobiegniew Lake District FLAG

Official name: 
Rybacka Lokalna Grupa Działania “Pojezierze Dobiegniewskie”
Programming period: 


The FLAG is located in Western Poland. Its area includes many important rivers (notably the Warta, the Noteć, the Drawa and the Obra) and nearly 100 lakes (about 2% of the FLAG surface is covered with lakes, and the largest one, Osiek Lake, extends over 502 hectares). There is a long tradition of inland fishing and aquaculture. One of the challenges is increasing eutrophication of lakes due mainly to agricultural activity. Two lakes were already restored thanks to the FLAG activity in the 2007-2013 period.

There are very few businesses dealing with processing and valorisation of food products (including fish), except in cities and near the main roads. Fish processing or modern fish auctions are lacking. Fish producers struggle with such issues as poaching, bureaucracy and competition on the market from cheaper imported fish. Fewer people are interested in the fishing profession and there are no opportunities to learn this profession in the FLAG area. Much of the infrastructure is old and in a poor condition. The natural assets of the area (such as rivers, lakes, forests) are not sufficiently recognised and promoted.

Type of area:
Sea Basins:
70 941
Surface area (km²)
1 768
Population density
Total employment in fisheries
Women employment in fisheries: 

FLAG strategy

The FLAG intends to focus on the following key themes:

  • Improving the conditions for the fisheries sector through investment in the environment, infrastructure, and education;
  • Valorisation of the fishing sector and key local assets (nature, social and cultural capital) to develop new types of activities (business as well as social), for instance fisheries-related tourism;
  • Opening the local economy, improving the capacity of fisheries and other SMEs to function on the regional market and beyond (also using the opportunities of the neighbouring German market), undertaking new activities in fish farming, marketing, and processing;
  • Increasing the involvement of inhabitants in local development, improving relational capital and increasing participation in governance; promoting cooperation in the fisheries sector, combating unemployment and assisting marginalised groups in the community.
Promoting social wellbeing and cultural heritage
% of the budget allocated: 
Adding value, creating jobs, and promoting innovation along the fisheries chain
Supporting diversification
Enhancing and capitalising on the environmental assets
Strengthening the role of fisheries communities in local development


Total public budget allocated to the FLAG for 2014-2020: 
3 005 000
  • EMFF: 
    2 555 000
  • MS co-financing: 
    450 000
  • Sources of co-funding: 


Project examples

  • Modernisation of fish farms, small-scale infrastructure, prevention of poaching
  • Developing direct sales and the fish value chain (including creating or maintaining jobs)
  • Investment in innovative businesses based on the water potential, accommodation and gastronomy
  • Improved signage of tourist trails and small-scale tourist infrastructure, modernisation of beaches, jetties etc., producing guides, leaflets, websites, and maps to promote cultural and fisheries heritage
  • Improving water management, including water-saving technologies in fish farming, awareness raising among inhabitants concerning energy saving, land reclamation investments, and investments in small-scale water retention
  • Raising the profile of fisheries and improving integration with the local community (e.g. organisation of “open days” at fish farms, educational projects)

Calls for proposals

The FLAG is planning to launch thematic calls for projects (in total 15 calls in 5 themes), beginning in 2017. For more details see here.

Expertise & cooperation

  • The FLAG team already has strong experience in implementing fisheries CLLD from the previous period which included ensuring that all the funds were spent correctly; the organisation of study visits, culinary workshops and events, publications; there is also experience in carrying out cooperation projects (participation in 23 inter-regional and three trans-national cooperation projects)
  • The FLAG is interested in learning about the practices of other FLAGs, their structure, and activities, and also in visiting well-functioning businesses (e.g. fish farms).
  • The FLAG hopes to carry out nine cooperation projects (six inter-regional and three transnational), which will focus on the exchange of experience in promoting the area, promoting fish products and fish consumption.
Budget envisaged for cooperation: 


Members of the partnership: 

The FLAG has members from all sectors, both individuals and organisations/institutions. The public sector is represented by the seven municipalities and the county administration. There are many local businesses, including fisheries businesses (fish farms and the Polish Anglers’ Association which owns many of the lakes).

Number of individuals/organisations in partnership/general assembly: 
% of fisheries actors: 
% of other (non-fisheries) private / NGO sector actors: 
Number of individuals on main decision-making body/board: 
% of public actors: 
Number of contracted staff in FLAG: 


FLAG Contacts

Rybacka Lokalna Grupa Działania 'Pojezierze Dobiegniewskie'
ul. Mickiewicza 7
66-520 Dobiegniew
FLAG President:
Mr. Kazimierz Szmid
FLAG Manager:
Ms. Agnieszka Berlińska
+48 95 781 02 41
Publication date: 
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