Fisheries Areas Network


  • Portugal - 15 FLAGs - 38.5 M€

    - Fiches pays
    Portugal has 15 FLAGs, 12 of them in coastal areas of continental Portugal and three on the Azores archipelago, situated in the Atlantic Ocean. The main challenges that CLLD addresses are low educational level of fishermen; decreased attractiveness of fisheries for young people; declining competitiveness of the fishing industry; and conflicting demands in the coastal areas.
  • Decarbonising economic activities in Culatra Island

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Sotavento do Algarve FLAG supported investment to enable Culatra Island, Portugal’s most important location for aquaculture production, to transition to solar energy.
  • Preserving wild sea urchins through sustainable farming

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Mondego Mar FLAG financed a project to bring some unused saltpans back into use to produce an aquaculture product which is highly coveted by restaurateurs: the sea urchin, also known as ‘Portuguese caviar’.
  • Adapting fishing practices to protect seabirds

    - Good Practice Project
    Le GALPA Oeste a uni ses forces à celles de l’ONG portugaise SPEA pour le projet MedAves Pesca, en vue d’améliorer la communication et l’interaction avec le secteur de la pêche. Ce projet conjoint était axé sur l’adaptation des pratiques de pêche afin d’éviter la mort d’oiseaux marins dans le cadre des activités de pêche dans la région des Ilhas Berlengas.
  • From fishermen to you

    - Good Practice Project
    Online sales have generated new interest since the COVID-19 pandemic, giving a renewed boost to projects such as Cabaz do Peixe. This virtual platform to sell fish to the general public from the local artisanal fishing fleet ensures the delivery of fresh and high-quality products, as well as consumer safety
  • Producing essential oils from marine plants

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Thanks to business advice from Oeste FLAG and national financial support, a fisheries observer who wanted to change his career path has successfully started his own company in Portugal, working with marine plants called halophytes.
  • AKTES - Transnational Coastal Quality Pact

    - Idées de coopérations
    Pillio FLAG is looking for partners from Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal and France to create a transnational organisation (AKTES). The purpose of the organisation is the development and implementation a transnational quality agreement (pact) joining tourism stakeholders under a common strategy. The strategy aims to guarantee a minimum quality for products and services; improving the tourist offer of those areas; mitigating seasonality; and encouraging better incomes and working conditions for local communities in coastal areas.
  • PT - FLAG Cooperation in Portugal

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation in Portugal is considered a useful tool to allow the FLAGs to bring together the knowledge and capacity of actors with different levels of experience, including those from rural and urban areas. As such, support for cooperation will focus on fostering exchange between different organisations, with the aim of resolving common problems and putting into practice ideas that produce benefits that go beyond a single FLAG area.
  • Salina Greens – Farming organic Salicornia on abandoned salt marshes

    - Good Practice Project
    « Salina Greens » est une entreprise portugaise de production et de transformation de salicorne (Salicornia), une espèce végétale indigène qui pousse dans les marais salants. Cette activité contribue à la préservation de zones à haute valeur environnementale, tout en soutenant l’économie locale.
  • Adeliacor FLAG

    - Fiches FLAG
    The FLAG territory includes 52 coastal villages across five islands in the Western group of the Azores archipelago. The Azores is located on the Atlantic Ridge. Its relief is very rugged. The lines of relief run in an east-west direction, matching the fracture lines to which the islands owe their formation.