Fisheries Areas Network


  • France - 23 FLAGs - 40.8 M€

    - Country Factsheet
    The 23 French FLAGs are seen as a tool to help the sector become more attractive, and to create economic opportunities through better investment conditions, better synergies among fisheries and aquaculture activities, increased added-value of fisheries and aquaculture products, and new ways of doing business.
  • French FLAG helps launch a CLLD-type dynamic in Tunisia

    - Basic page
    A four-year project to bring participative local development to the Kerkennah islands has proved that CLLD can be a valuable tool beyond the shores of Europe. Funded by ENPARD under the EU’s neighbourhood policy, the project, known as DEVLOK, has invested around €1.2M in these Tunisian fishing communities, diversifying the local economy and creating 47 new companies and 89 jobs.
  • Promoting line-caught fish with local stakeholders

    - Basic page
    The professional line fishers’ association of the Brittany region has run a communication campaign to promote line-caught fish. Two FLAGs cooperated to support this campaign that highlights the environmental sustainability and quality that are associated with this way of fishing.
  • Promoting line-caught fish with local stakeholders

    - Good Practice Project
    Η επαγγελματική ένωση αλιέων με πετονιά της περιοχής της Βρετάνης έχει πραγματοποιήσει μια ενημερωτική εκστρατεία για την προώθηση της αλιείας με πετονιά. Δύο ΟΤΔΑ συνεργάστηκαν για να υποστηρίξουν αυτήν την εκστρατεία, που αναδεικνύει την περιβαλλοντική βιωσιμότητα και ποιότητα που συνδέονται με αυτόν τον τρόπο αλιείας.
  • Turning shellfish by-products into energy

    - Good Practice Project
    Η καλλιέργεια οστρακοειδών αποτελεί μια σημαντική οικονομική δραστηριότητα στις γαλλικές ακτές του Ατλαντικού. Ωστόσο, παράγονται επίσης μύδια μικρού μεγέθους ως υποπροϊόντα που συνήθως πετιούνται. Αυτό το έργο επικεντρώνεται στην αξιοποίηση των δυνατοτήτων τους με την παραγωγή μεθανίου για την παραγωγή ενέργειας.
  • Making oyster farming energy self-sufficient

    - Good Practice Project
    The Chantier Bretagne Sud shipyard has led a project to support Brittany’s oyster farms in their transition to renewable energies by studying their needs and offering adapted technology.
  • European cooperation on actions for the preservation of water quality

    - Cooperation Idea
    The Intercommunal Syndicate of Arcachon Bay (SIBA) is looking for FLAGs from EU in a variety of areas, including bays, lagoons andr gulf ecosystems, for exchanging good practices on water quality preservation. The final goal of this cooperation would be to engage with local/regional agencies in charge of water quality management; to exchange good practices, share lessons and answer common questions; and to set the baseline for a formal cooperation across European bays on the topic of water quality management.
  • Better salinity and temperature data to improve flat oyster spat collection

    - Good Practice Project
    The oyster farmers of south Brittany installed a high-frequency multi-sensing buoy to support the understanding of spat settlement of the flat oyster, a key resource in the area.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - News
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - Basic page
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.