Fisheries Areas Network

European Union

  • Reviving the fisheries sector by promoting local seafood

    - Good Practice Short Story
    To support the economic revival of the local fishing sector following the COVID-19 crisis, the local fishing communities of the Hauts-de-France region have launched a weekly column in newspapers to promote their seafood products.
  • Adapting fishing practices to protect seabirds

    - Good Practice Project
    Tramite il progetto MedAves Pesca, il FLAG Oeste ha collaborato con la ONG portoghese SPEA per migliorare la comunicazione e le interazioni con il settore della pesca. Lo scopo del progetto congiunto era di adattare le pratiche di pesca per evitare la morte di uccelli marini durante la pesca nella zona delle isole Berlengas.
  • French FLAG helps in the fight against the effects of COVID-19

    - Good Practice Short Story
    As fishing and aquaculture continue to suffer a considerable loss of turnover, a small group of fishers and a fish farmer volunteered to deliver fresh fish to local restaurateurs who, in turn, prepare free-of-charge dishes for hospital staff and people in need.
  • From fishermen to you

    - Good Practice Project
    Con la pandemia da COVID-19 le vendite online hanno generato nuovo interesse, dando un rinnovato impulso a progetti come Cabaz do Peixe. Questa piattaforma virtuale per la vendita pubblica del pesce preso dalla flotta di pesca artigianale locale assicura la consegna di prodotti freschi e di alta qualità, nonché la sicurezza dei consumatori.
  • Promoting the territory through culinary heritage and local seafood

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Gargano LAG integrated the promotion of cultural and gastronomy heritage into their local development plan. This includes the development and promotion of the seafood sector. To do so, it supported the development of the Pesca Mia app, which connects the seafood sector, restaurants and private consumers.
  • Keeping fishing active and safe during the sanitary crisis

    - Good Practice Short Story
    COVID-19 paralysed many sectors of the economy in the Basque Country. Although the fisheries sector, like other food-producing sectors, was given priority during the pandemic, the lack of security and low-priced seafood could have forced many vessels and fishing organisations to stop working.
  • Fisch vom Kutter: a success story to overcome the sanitary crisis

    - News
    The Fisch vom Kutter web portal for the distance sale of freshly landed catches from the German Baltic Coat vessels is a success story that started in 2009. FARNET published a Good Practice example during the project’s first programming period.
  • Producing essential oils from marine plants

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Thanks to business advice from Oeste FLAG and national financial support, a fisheries observer who wanted to change his career path has successfully started his own company in Portugal, working with marine plants called halophytes.
  • MonPêcheur: Connecting fishers and consumers at the quay!

    - Good Practice Project
    Due FLAG limitrofi cooperano per sostenere la diffusione di MonPêcheur, un’applicazione per dispositivi mobili che favorisce il contatto tra pescatori locali e consumatori, offrendo agli operatori della pesca una piattaforma digitale per comunicare, promuovere e vendere il pescato direttamente al consumatore.
  • An app to promote waste collection and sport

    - Good Practice Project
    Per contribuire alla conservazione dell'ambiente marino e affrontare il problema dei rifiuti presenti in mare, un pescatore della Catalogna (Spagna) e le sue due sorelle hanno sviluppato un'applicazione e lanciato una campagna per promuovere la raccolta dei rifiuti, praticando al contempo sport di gruppo.