EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Symposium: Food waste From Excess to Enough

  • Uploaded on Thursday 11 of July 2024
  • Author(s) Erica van Herpen

Event: On Thu, 12th September 2024 from 12:00 to 17:30

Location: Wageningen University, Impulse Building

Registration link:

Join us for the FETE Symposium: Food Waste | From Excess to Enough
September 12, 2024, Wageningen University
Online participation available for the plenary session

Engage with thought leaders like Toine Timmermans from Food Waste Free United and Tilman Eichstädt from HelloFresh, and participate in dynamic table discussions with our project partners. Learn how to translate cutting-edge research into practical solutions. The symposium focuses on translating academic research into practice, for maximum societal impact.

Highlights of the symposium From Excess to Enough:
- Keynote presentations by industry experts
- New insights from academia
- Interactive table discussions centred around innovative solutions and the next steps

Collaborators in the project: Wageningen University, University of Groningen, TU Delft, Food Waste Free United, Netherlands Nutrition Centre, HelloFresh, Iglo, Hak, ACV, Capgemini, EFMI

Name of organisation : Wageningen University

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2024-07-09


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