EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Cities tackling food waste - watch the Food Trails webinar

  • Uploaded on Monday 27 of May 2024
  • Author(s) Food Trails Project

The Food Trails webinars are designed to share insights and experiences built throughout the project and foster the replication of successful solutions and best practices developed by the Food Trails cities to promote local sustainable food systems. These online talks serve as a platform for exchange between Food Trails, cities and stakeholders outside the consortium. 

Each webinar episode will be moderated by Eurocities and will feature an expert from the project consortium or Think Tank, along with two representatives from cities involved in the Food Trails project. 

Our 4th episode is on cities taking action against food waste. You will hear from Natalia Boitot (Warsaw), Samuel Ewell (Birmingham) and Alice Casiraghi (Food Trails expert) given concrete guidance on how local authorities can address food waste. 

Watch the episode on our Food Trails Youtube Channel and sign up to our next webinars 

Name of organisation : Eurocities

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