EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

How to create an EU Login account ?

What's in this article ?

In this tutorial you will learn how to create your account on European Commission's user authentication service known as 'EU Login') in 6 steps :

How to read this help guide?
  • The left part describes the workflow to create an EU Login account; the right part gives information and tips on each step.
  • To enlarge a picture, just click on it.

1. Open the EU Login - Sign in page:


The web link (url) to EU Login is:

Click on the link "Create an account".

2. Complete the Create an account page, and then click "Create an account":


Please do not use functional or generic mailbox addresses as email address for an EU Login account.

If you are unable to read the text in the image, click the refresh button to get a new one.

Do not forget to tick the box regarding the Privacy statement!

3. Your EU Login account has been created. The system is now waiting for your email validation:


The system will send you an email to activate your account. You have 24h to confirm your registration.

4. Open your Inbox. You should have received a new message with a link to confirm your registration:


If you are not able to open the link (i.e. no new window pops up when clicking on the link), copy the entire link given in the email, open your browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, ...) and paste it in the address bar.

5. Clicking on the link in the email brings you to a page to set a password of your choice:


For security reasons, EU Login requires a strong password of 10 characters including at least 1 uppercase character and 1 number. Try to find password that will be easy for you to remember, though!

6. You are informed that your EU Login account has been successfully created:



Your Password is now set and if you click on "Proceed" you will be log in.

To log out, click Logout at the top right of the EU Login page and close all browser windows.

Congratulations ! Your EU Login account has been successfully created.