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Notifications authorized under Directive 2001/18/EC (8)
Notification Number: C/NL/09/02 Member State: Netherlands Info according to Dir. 2001/18 Art. 24 and 31: 26/03/2009 Summary notification file Public_Comments_File 21/10/2009 Assessment report file 30/04/2015 Monitoring plan 30/04/2015 EC Decision 30/04/2015 Detection method 10/03/2017 Consent 19/11/2021 Consent on the monitoring amendment 19/11/2021 Opinion of advisory body on the monitoring amendment 19/11/2021 Monitoring amendment proposal 07/06/2024 Assessment report (renewal of consent) file) Name of the Institutes or Companies: Florigene Limited Name of the product(commercial and other names): Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) genetically modified for flower colour. (Unique identifier IFD-26407-2) Status: Authorized
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