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Register Annual Summary of Results report

EUDAMED manage all reports link on the dashboard
  1. Click Manage all reports, click Create New Version and select the Annual Summary of Results Report option. This report type has no draft state, and no versions are created:

    EUDAMED annual summary of results report link under the create new version button
  2. Provide a unique local CA reference and select the applicable regulations(s) (if you select both, you should provide a single report covering both), and provide the data required for all the fields. Note all fields are mandatory.

    Click Browse to upload the (one) report file:

    EUDAMED fields to complete in the annual summary of results report registration page and submit and cancel buttons
  3. Click Submit and Confirm to register the report. The confirmation message displays, and a notification is sent to all actors concerned:

    EUDAMED confirmation popup window with confirm and cancel buttons
    EUDAMED confirmation message after submitting an annual summary of results report registration