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Search CI/PS items

On the Search and manage page you can see the applications and notifications submitted by all sponsors.

To search an application, use the search tool and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Search criteria field and select the relevant criterion from the dropdown list.

    EUDAMED search criteria field
  2. Enter the value matching your search criterion, i.e., if you chose State, the value could be Under validation, Started, etc.


    Competent Authorities cannot see reports in state Draft.

    EUDAMED search criteria and values fields


    In the case where the search criterion refers to a pre-defined list of values, as soon as you start typing in the field Value, the system will present the relevant results.

  3. Add other relevant search criteria if needed. To do it, click Add.

    EUDAMED add button in the search and manage ci/ps items page


    You can add the same search criterion several times, with a different value each.

    EUDAMED fields, links and buttons in the search and manage ci/ps items
  4. Click search and the system will display the relevant results.

    EUDAMED search button in the search and manage ci/ps items
    EUDAMED list with search results given the selected search criteria for cips items


    If you are searching using the criterion Deadline (date), keep in mind that the system will not present applications in state Authorised, for instance, as no deadlines apply in this case.

    The results are sorted by default by date (closest deadline at the top of the search results list). Nonetheless, you can organise the results using the other columns available. To do it, use the arrows next to the title of each column.

    EUDAMED sort results by using the arrows at the top of the table

    At the top of the list with the search results, select how many results you want to show per page:

    EUDAMED show entries per page dropdown list