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Manage MS Summary Report

To register an MS Summary report, from the homepage, click on Manage MS summary report:

EUDAMED manage ms summary report link on the dashboard

In the new window, a list of MS summary reports registered by users acting on behalf of your Designating Authority appears:

EUDAMED list of registered ms summary reports in the ms summary report management page
  1. Click on Register new summary report:

    EUDAMED register new summary report button
  2. In here, you will have to specify the dates for the report:

    EUDAMED reporting period dated for the notified bodies monitoring summary report
  3. Once the dates were entered, you will have to provide the PDF of the report:

    EUDAMED browse button for the upload new summary report field
    windows file manager
    EUDAMED summary report link to the pdf file


    Only PDF files are allowed in the system.

  4. Once the file is uploaded, click on Confirm.

  5. The system will return a success message if everything was filled in correctly, containing the MS summary report ID:

    EUDAMED successful ms summary report registration confirmation message

    The NB-Monitoring Summary report is then also made publicly available on the EUDAMED public website (under Certificates menu).

Searching and filtering own MS summary reports

Discarding own MS summary report