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Terminate your AP

  1. Log into EUDAMED as a Local Actor Administrator (LAA). Click on the Access point management link under the My Actor data section to view your APs:

    EUDAMED access point management link in the dashboard
  2. In the Access Point management page, you can view all your APs listed in the table:

    EUDAMED list of your access points in the access point management page
  3. Click on the View link under the three dots to view further details about your AP:

    EUDAMED view link under the three dots link in the access point management page
  4. In the next screen click on the Terminate link button to terminate your AP:

    EUDAMED terminate link button when terminating your access point


The status of your AP is now terminated (see Annex 3 (AP statuses) page). You will not be able to use this AP anymore nor revert to the previous state.