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Getting started

Prerequisites to access EUDAMED: EU Login (ECAS) account

For information on how to gain access to EUDAMED, please consult the Notified Bodies Access user guide in the User guides Section.

Once the first Local Actor Administrator (LAA) is approved by your Designating Authority, subsequent user access or profile change requests for the Notified Body will be approved by this user (not the Designating Authority). This responsibility can then be delegated to other LAA/LUAs in the Notified Body. It is good practice for each actor to have at least two LAAs.

Every user in EUDAMED is granted the profile Viewer. They can search and view registered certificates. In order to register a certificate in EUDAMED, you must request access to the Notified Bodies & Certificates module as:

  • Proposer: this profile may create and delete draft records in the Certificates module

  • Confirmer: this profile may also submit and discard records in the Certificates module


As a LAA/LUA user cannot approve their own profile change requests, these requests must be approved by a different user with LAA/LUA profile.