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Register a not-followed CECP

To register a not-followed CECP, look for the CECP section at the bottom and click on Register a Clinical Evaluation Consultation Procedure (CECP). You will be brought to the first step of the process:

EUDAMED register a clinical evaluation consultation procedure (cecp) link on the dashboard
  1. In the first question Is this Clinical Evaluation consultation procedure followed? select No:

    EUDAMED is this clinical evaluation consultation procedure followed and application id for the conformity assessment fields
  2. Enter the Application ID in the Conformity assessment and select a Device type from the two options available.

    Once a device is chosen, a Certificate type field will pop-up. Then choose the correct regulation:

    EUDAMED certificate type field
  3. A new field will appear asking for the Actor ID/SRN number. Enter it, or part of it, and click Find:

    EUDAMED enter srn or name field and find button
  4. Once found in the list, select it and then click Save & Next:

    EUDAMED details on the manufacturer selected from the list and save and next and cancel buttons
  5. Follow all the steps in CECP record with Basic UDI-DI registered in EUDAMED page.

    When you arrive to the Provision of CEAR document screen you will notice it is different from the usual window, with a new Reason for CECP not followed field:

    EUDAMED nb clinical evaluation assessment report field with browse button and reason for cecp not followed and complementary information fields
  6. Select Yes or No and upload the NB Clinical Evaluation Assessment Report.

  7. Select one of the reasons why the CECP is not followed and enter the complementary information.

  8. Click Submit to finish, then click Submit my request. A confirmation screen will appear:

    EUDAMED save, preview, submit and cancel buttons
    EUDAMED confirmation window and submit my request and cancel buttons
    EUDAMED confirmation message when submitting a clinical evaluation consultation procedure (cecp) registration