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Search & View procedures

On the header menu, click on Search & View, then under the Market Surveillance section click Search for Procedures. Alternatively, in the Search & View area click the Market Surveillance module Procedures tile:

EUDAMED market surveillance module procedure tile in the search and view area on the dashboard
  1. By default, the filter is set to pull registered procedures/linked items. Discarded records can be included by sliding the toggle (green = yes, grey = no).

    In Search and view, all discarded objects will be displayed. Filtering by owner CA applies only to Procedure management:

    EUDAMED enable inclusion of discarded object toggle button to yes
  2. The data criteria are the same as described in Using the filter. Click Search to proceed, or Clear Search to re-enter fields.

  3. Search results display. The Item type column displays a shortened 'Procedure type' description for Procedures, and an 'Item type' description for other item types:

    EUDAMED search results display


The procedure data not available to NBs is:

  • Objections

  • Additional information

  • Procedure trigger information section

  • Arguments by EO of the Measure

  • Economic operator information: EO contact information and Other information sections