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Click on the Measures tab. The system creates the first measure identifier within the procedure, made up of the procedure type abbreviation (in this case PHP), the country, year, reference and measure (MU) number:

EUDAMED measures tab
  1. Provide the CA's measure reference number and select the measure type. If you select Other, enter an explanation:

    EUDAMED local ca measure reference and measure type fields
    EUDAMED local ca measure reference, measure type and measure type other fields
  2. To add other measures, click Add another measure type, and select the measure type:

    EUDAMED add another measure type link and measure type field
  3. Provide a justification, and upload a justification file if necessary:

    EUDAMED justification for the adopted measure and justification file fields with browse button
  4. Enter the date that the measure comes/came/will come into force:

    EUDAMED date of entry into force field
  5. Select a Preconditions for lifting the measure. If you select Other, provide an explanation. You can select additional preconditions by clicking Add another precondition:

    EUDAMED precondition of lifting field
    EUDAMED precondition of lifting and precondition of lifting other fields and add another precondition link
  6. The Measure status is set to Taken by default. This cannot be changed. The Measure status date in this case can be filled in if relevant:

    EUDAMED measure status and measure status date fields
  7. You can enter arguments provided by the EO in the Arguments by EO and General remarks fields:

    EUDAMED arguments by EO and general remarks field
  8. Provide a CA contact specific to this measure. The default contact information shown is editable. You can add another measure to the procedure by clicking Add measure:

    EUDAMED ca contact information fields to complete and add measure link
  9. Click Submit for the procedure to be registered once your measure(s) is in place, either from here or from the Procedure section. A confirmation message appears:

    EUDAMED save, submit and cancel buttons and confirmation popup window with yes and no buttons
    EUDAMED confirmation message after submitting an msu procedure registration


Remember to click Save during the completion of each step. There is no autosave function, and unsaved inputs will be lost if you log out or otherwise lose connection to EUDAMED.