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Update (create a new version) for UDI-DI/EUDAMED ID

vid-icon.jpg VIDEO: UDI assignment and updates


Follow the steps in section Manage your device UDI-DI/EUDAMED ID details to view a UDI-DI/EUDAMED ID.

  1. Once inside the details of the selected UDI-DI, click on Create new version and proceed to update:

    EUDAMED discard and create new version buttons in the udi-di data page
    EUDAMED enter a nomenclature code field and find button
    EUDAMED update device fields
    EUDAMED update device fields
    EUDAMED update device fields with toggle buttons
    EUDAMED udi-di status of the device field


    The available options for the UDI-DI status depend on the initial status of the device.

    • If the initial UDI-DI status of the device is either On the EU market or No longer placed on the EU market, when updating the UDI-DI status of the device, you can select either the On the EU market or the No longer placed on the EU market status.

    • If the initial UDI-DI status of the device is Not intended for the EU market, when updating the UDI-DI status of the device you can only select the On the EU market status.


    In the UDI-DI status field, if you select the No longer placed on the EU market status, the Market information will no longer be displayed and all container packages linked to this device will automatically be updated to the same status as the device.

    EUDAMED confirmation message when creating a new version of the udi-di

    Otherwise, if you select the On the EU market status, you must select a Member State in the drop-down list where the device is or has been first placed on the EU market and the Member State(s) where the device is or is to be made available. You must also manually update all container packages linked to this device.

    EUDAMED dropdown list for the member states of the device
  2. To finish the action you have two options:

    • Save to save the updated details without submitting the new version.

    • Submit new version, if you wish to finalise the update.

    EUDAMED save, submit new version and cancel buttons