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Update (create new version) for Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI

Follow the steps in section Manage your device Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI details to view a Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI.

  1. Once inside the details page for the desired Basic UDI-DI, click on Create new version on the top right corner:

    EUDAMED create new version button in the basic udi-di details page
  2. Update the desired details:

    EUDAMED fields to update when creating a new version of the selected basic udi-di
  3. To complete the action:

    a. Click on Save to save to your registration as a draft and continue at a later point.

    EUDAMED save, cancel and submit new version buttons

    b. Click on Submit new version, if you are certain about the update and wish to submit it.

    Alternatively, click on Cancel to cancel the update.