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Discarding own MS summary report

  1. Follow steps 1-4 from Searching and filtering own MS summary reports, to find the report you want to discard.

  2. Once you have applied the filters, click on the three dots to the right of said report:

    EUDAMED download and discard links under the three dots action button
  3. Click on Discard, the report will be discarded, meaning it will only be available internally and not on the public site.

  4. Once you click on Discard, a pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm your decision:

    EUDAMED warning pop-up message when discarding an own ms summary report with yes and no buttons
  5. Click on Yes, the report will then move from the list of Registered to the list of Discarded:

    EUDAMED dropdown list for the state field
    EUDAMED list with discarded own ms summary reports