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Search & View Vigilance & Post-Market Surveillance reports

All users having access to the Vigilance module can use the Search & View functionality for Vigilance & Post-Market Surveillance reports.

To do so, from the EUDAMED dashboard click on View Vigilance reports under the Search & View section:

EUDAMED Dashboard: View Vigilance reports link

The system will redirect you to the Vigilance search function.

From the Search and Manage Vigilance items page, you can perform a search for any Vigilance item.

EUDAMED Search function on Search and Manage Vigilance items page
  1. Select the Search criteria (or filter) that you wish to apply and provide the chosen value:

    EUDAMED Search criteria selection


    Several criteria can be applied simultaneously:

    EUDAMED Vigilance Search criteria selection example
  2. Click on the Search button.

    The system will retrieve the search results for Vigilance items based on your search criteria.

View Vigilance & Post-Market Surveillance report


All users with Viewer profile or higher can click on a report from the list and preview its contents.

  1. Click on the chosen Vigilance report under the EUDAMED Report ID column:

    EUDAMED selecting a report under My Vigilance items list
  2. The system will redirect you to the Report Primary Details screen of the chosen Vigilance report in preview mode. Click on the section of your choice to preview its information:

    EUDAMED Report primary details section