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PSR Approval or Refusal – first version


When a first version of a PSR has been submitted, the Coordinating Competent Authority (CCA) and the participating Competent Authorities have seven calendar days to either approve or refuse the PSR.

  • If the CCA does not perform any action within the 7-day deadline, the PSR is considered refused.

  • If a CA does not perform any action within the 7-day deadline, the PSR is considered refused by this CA, which means that this CA will not be participating in the PSR.


Approved status

The PSR's status will switch from Under approval to Approved and will be set to Active on the first day of the next month only when the CCA approves it.

Ultimately, the CCA's decision overrules that of the CA, i.e. the participating CA's approval alone is not enough for the PSR to be approved. If the CCA refuses the PSR, the PSR is refused regardless of any approval by a participating CA.

Once a PSR is submitted, you can view the approval status of the PSR under section Report history overview.

Example: the participating CA has approved the PSR whereas the CCA's approval is pending:


Upon approval or refusal of the PSR by the CCA and the participating CAs, the MF and if applicable the AR, as well as any referenced NBs will receive information notifications:

Notification example: PSR approval by the CCA:


Notification example: PSR refusal by the CCA or deadline lapsed:
