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Manage your SPP Basic UDI-DI details

  1. On the EUDAMED dashboard, click on Manage your Basic UDI-DIs to see a list of all your Basic UDI-DIs:

    EUDAMED manage your basic udi-dis on the dashboard


    By default, the system displays the System or Procedure Packs in state draft. To see other states, use the filters.

    EUDAMED list with system or procedure packs in the basic udi-di management for spp page
  2. Click on the three dots of the selected entry and then click on View data from the menu:

    EUDAMED view data link under the three dots
  3. You will see a summary of the details concerning your system or procedure pack:

    EUDAMED details on the basic udi-di data section and create new version button

Delete a Draft Basic UDI-DI [SPP]

Update (create new version) for Basic UDI-DI [SPP]