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Generation of identification details for a Legacy Device when a UDI-DI does not exist

In case the manufacturer does not have a UDI-DI assigned for a Legacy Device, the manufacturer will have to assign a EUDAMED DI and EUDAMED ID.

The EUDAMED DI will have a strict format, starting with 'B-' as a prefix and continuing with a set of characters. For further information on the EUDAMED DI format please consult the Format of the EUDAMED DI identification number document.

The EUDAMED ID will have the same format and value as EUDAMED DI except the first prefix character. It will start with 'D' instead of 'B'.

EUDAMED DI: B-BEMF000000106CR023335WE

EUDAMED ID: D-BEMF000000106CR023335WE