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View own requests for suspension/withdrawal of certificates

  1. From the dashboard, click on Manage requests for withdrawal/suspension of certificates under the Certificates column on the right of the screen:

    EUDAMED manage requests for withdrawal suspension of certificates link on the dashboard
  2. On the next page, click on the tab on the top entitled Suspension/Withdrawal requests. The state dropdown is set to Registered by default, with the possibility of viewing Discarded requests:

    EUDAMED suspension withdrawal requests tab
  3. All requests registered by your DA will be displayed beneath the filter dialog. You can refine the results by completing any other search criteria and click on Apply filters.

    The list of results will appear below:

    EUDAMED suspension/withdrawal requests tab
  4. Click on the three dots ‘…’under the Actions column for a specific entry, and a dropdown menu will show:

    EUDAMED view request link under the three dots

    Once clicked, the view page of the corresponding request will be displayed:

    EUDAMED discard button in the request page