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Requesting access as a designating authority user

To request access as a designating authority user

  1. Log into EUDAMED and select New access request. This will bring you to a page prompting you to select the actor (Designating Authority) you belong to.

    EUDAMED Request access as a Designating Authority select the actor from the list

    If you know your Designating Authority (DA) EUDAMED Actor ID, you can select I know the Actor ID/Single Registration Number (SRN) checkbox and enter it. Alternatively, you can search by selecting its role (Designating Authority), country, and clicking Find.

    Click on the relevant authority in the Result panel and then click Request access to this actor.

    EUDAMED Request access to this actor button when requesting access as a Designating Authority user
  2. You are asked to enter relevant details. Click Save & Next to move through the steps.

  3. Select the user profile(s) that you need.

  4. Click Save, Preview and when you are certain of the information, click Submit.

  5. A confirmation message will appear – click Submit my request.

    EUDAMED Submit my request button


    User Profiles

    The Local Actor Administrator (LAA) can manage the actor notification email addresses and has all the rights of a Local User Administrator (LUA).

    A DA LAA/LUA can validate user access requests for first NB LAAs and its Designating Authority users.

    Validators can validate user access requests for first NB LAAs only.

How to validate user access requests as a designating authority Local Actor or User Administrator

  1. Select Assess user access requests from the User management chapter of the dashboard:

    EUDAMED Assess user access requests link in the user management page
  2. Click on the menu icon to assess the pending request in the list.

    EUDAMED pending user access requests lists when requesting access as a Designating Authority user
  3. Review the content of the request and move the toggle to Approve or Reject the request. If you select Reject, you must enter a comment and select one of the following reasons:

    Incomplete and/or details to correct

    Some information that you deem important is either missing or looks incorrect. The requesting user will have a chance to correct or complete the request following your instructions and to re-submit it.

    Refused request

    The request will be given the reason Refused, and the user will need to re-submit it.

    EUDAMED assessment of user data toggle button, type of reasons and remarks fields when requesting access as a Designated Authority user
  4. If you are approving the request, click Next step to assess each profile that the user is requesting. For each module in the grid, select either Accept or Reject, and then click Complete assessment.

    EUDAMED accept or reject access request as a Designating Authority user and complete assessment button
  5. Click Confirm in the summary dialog box to confirm the user’s profile.

    EUDAMED confirmation message when the user access request was successfully assessed