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Getting started

Prerequisites to access EUDAMED:

To use EUDAMED, you must have an EU Login account associated with your professional email address.[8]

EU Login (ECAS) account

EUDAMED Production landing page

EUDAMED landing page
  1. Click Enter with EU Login and enter your EU Login email address.

    (Alternatively, select Create your EU Login account if you do not yet have an EU Login account):

    EU Login enter with eu login or create your eu login account links
  2. Once you have entered your EU Login email address, click Next. You are prompted to enter your EU Login password:

    EU login enter eu login password
  3. Enter your EU Login password and click Sign in. The EUDAMED homepage opens (i.e. your personal dashboard).

    EUDAMED homepage

To quit EUDAMED:

  1. Click Logout at top right of the interface:

    EUDAMED logout link in the upper navigation menu
  2. Confirm with the Logout button:

    EUDAMED logout and stay logged in buttons
  3. Answer the EU Login confirmation message by clicking Logout.

[8] EU Login is the central European Commission Authentication Service allowing users to access a wide range of Commission information systems and services, using a single username and password. Read more at: EU Login (ECAS) account.